Day: October 17, 2008
chickens being
Had a dream about the chickens last night. Somehow they were people, but not like us. I don't remember any more. I've been wondering for some time what the world view of a chicken is like, what it's like to live like that. You really have to bend your brain around just to think about not having hands, having such a flexible neck and moving your head everywhere without being disoriented, having feathers projecting from every inch of your body. I think that would be terribly cumbersome.And then to think about never being able to say how you feel to someone, never having real contact like a hug, the only comfort you ever get is simply in being part of a group, being near each other and hearing each other when you're scared or feeling sick. What would it be like to not know more, not understand the possibility of these things?I've been trying to wrap my brain around the concept of 'being' since I was a small child. I was terrified very early that I had bones in me (grew up on a farm), and that the bones weren't *me*. They go everywhere I go, make it possible for me to do and feel things with my other tissues, but they are the sign of death in every culture. I carry the sign of death around inside of me. I think I was dealing with that before I was even 10.I won't go over everything I've thought since then, I'm sure it would make a book. But I still think about it a lot, about 'being'. About the possibilities we can't imagine, about the limitations we take for granted, about the horrifying thought of seeing ourselves both from the inside and the outside with our perspectives. I think a lot of people can't really do that very well, and I don't know if it's the Asperger's, but I can peel away perspective and put it back together in different shapes and forms, and wonder how in the world can we be stuck in our bodies this way? It seems impossible. Yet here we are, experiencing.I was always intrigued by the old testament guys who got to 'see God', or at least come close. They always fell to their faces and couldn't move, and had to be stood back up by someone else. The experience of being able to see outside this dimension of thought and mind was enough to disable them, either from terror or being so overwhelmed that they couldn't respond to the new sensations and realizations flooding their minds. Maybe being aspie gives me an edge on thinking about it, because so much has been so overwhelming for me in THIS body in THIS dimension of being. I want very badly to be able to go beyond what we are and see all this for myself. I'm sure someone will have to stand me back up.- 8:15 am
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Everything I've got on this blog
- didn't abandon base camp June 4, 2015
- mobile viewing September 2, 2014
- world oddizm day April 2, 2014
- my Shorty Award interview survey March 17, 2014
- Moment of Truth survey January 29, 2014
- The Story Behind Yablo November 2, 2013
- aspie shooting the curl June 5, 2013
- shop till you drop survey May 6, 2013
- Please Don't Bring Merlin Back April 27, 2013
- Do People Really Know You survey April 1, 2013
- the smooshed together survey February 9, 2013
- Fun Myspace Survey January 18, 2013
- New Year Survey- 2013 December 28, 2012
- survey- Can You Spill Your Deep Dark Secrets? December 10, 2012
- My Survey Kicks Your Surveys Butt! {Great Grammar and Spelling} November 22, 2012
- "Dare" Lexx Sex Survey November 18, 2012
- Just a Few Questions for the Bored and Curious - Survey November 10, 2012
- questions people won't ask survey- really? October 31, 2012
- knock yourself out survey from tumblr October 27, 2012
- I Try To Excercise My Demons, But They've Gotten Out Of Shape. -survey October 21, 2012
- Halloween Survey October 4, 2012
- The 'Hard To Answer' Questions - Survey September 14, 2012
- Real Things You Might Not Know About Me September 4, 2012
- 50 Summer Is Ending Survey August 28, 2012
- no idea what to call this stray survey August 21, 2012
- 'not sure why I'm doing this survey' survey August 18, 2012
- 100 Girly Questions Survey August 3, 2012
- Xanga Survey July 26, 2012
- Future Survey July 25, 2012
- Freaking Awesome Survey July 20, 2012
- the Colin Morgan survey July 16, 2012
- 100 fun questions survey July 4, 2012
- 60 questions people don't ask June 24, 2012
- have you ever survey June 19, 2012
- summer survey 2012 June 17, 2012
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- odd questions survey July 9, 2011
- about me survey July 4, 2011
- human trafficking in our lives June 20, 2011
- Summer Survey from June 13, 2011
- just a bunch of questions survey June 6, 2011
- 3 things survey May 29, 2011
- 'no title' survey May 16, 2011
- You Don't Have To Feel Safe To Feel Unafraid survey May 9, 2011
- "THREE" CHALLENGE survey May 5, 2011
- April survey April 28, 2011
- Finish the Sentence survey April 26, 2011
- seasons survey March 7, 2011
- random things about you survey February 25, 2011
- Things I've learned about life from playing solitaire. September 30, 2009
- Trekkies and Freedom of Expression September 15, 2009
- EMP threat- imminent? September 11, 2009
- 10 layers survey September 9, 2009
- surviving health care August 11, 2009
- a tag survey from facebook August 10, 2009
- yay for survey <3 August 3, 2009
- Crazy About You survey July 27, 2009
- Psychoanalyze Yourself survey July 16, 2009
- A to Z survey July 6, 2009
- Random Things survey June 23, 2009
- "in pain" survey June 21, 2009
- Librax withdrawal, are we having fun yet? June 18, 2009
- old survey from 11-11-07 June 17, 2009
- good vs. evil June 16, 2009
- 'Deep Stuff' survey June 12, 2009
- 775 June 10, 2009
- stupid question survey May 30, 2009
- "Call me Jim" May 21, 2009
- back to new Trek ranting =) May 19, 2009
- regulating health care May 19, 2009
- I'm not FDA approved May 18, 2009
- new Trek rebirth, out with the old franchise May 18, 2009
- major spoiler alert, new Star Trek movie question May 16, 2009
- reset- back to default, or new programming?, or, End of the World, mach IV May 14, 2009
- long forgotten survey (or, Let's Get Spocked) May 12, 2009
- Sikes and the Alien Nation April 21, 2009
- 100 things- (egads...) April 15, 2009
- crayon box survey March 23, 2009
- Smile. You'll feel better. March 19, 2009
- 10 things idiots do on myspace March 11, 2009
- top 8 survey March 3, 2009
- process and being February 24, 2009
- sometimes people say 'ouch' survey February 19, 2009
- what's in a name February 16, 2009
- the commercialization of Saint Val February 13, 2009
- Alex Trusk February 9, 2009
- still another survey January 28, 2009
- from old to new survey January 4, 2009
- another survey December 17, 2008
- crip on the loose November 10, 2008
- end of the world, mach III November 5, 2008
- the Barrow series- John Deakins October 27, 2008
- the stupid vs. the catatonic October 23, 2008
- 425 October 21, 2008
- chickens being October 17, 2008
- Not an ordinary survey. (Excellent Spelling and Grammar)! October 7, 2008
- RHPS character quiz September 30, 2008
- If you got a terminal disease what would you do? September 23, 2008
- old survey with no title September 22, 2008
- of horses and ACT scores September 21, 2008
- 15 things September 21, 2008
- 'here it is' survey September 15, 2008
- the accidental soul traveler August 31, 2008
- color personality quiz August 28, 2008
- Seven Circles survey August 28, 2008
- because I'm falling down August 21, 2008
- Lie, Cheat, Steal, Love survey August 19, 2008
- Treat Me Like An Athlete August 13, 2008
- another survey *heelllp meeee* August 7, 2008
- 'puny' blogs August 6, 2008
- I think men are cool August 4, 2008
- Synchronicity II- Reality Unleashed July 26, 2008
- my life in 63 questions July 24, 2008
- Synchronicity, Suicide, and The Eyes July 23, 2008
- Mark Shell July 16, 2008
- What is your stance on religion? Are you a religious person? July 11, 2008
- 30 Unusual ?'s July 10, 2008
- asocial vs. antisocial July 8, 2008
- 2012 Apocalypse July 6, 2008
- self stim July 1, 2008
- overload June 28, 2008
- quizzical quizology June 27, 2008
- get over it June 23, 2008
- popping out June 21, 2008
- 5 things survey June 19, 2008
- summer boredom survey June 16, 2008
- Dad's day June 15, 2008
- survivalists- end of the world, 2012- mach II June 12, 2008
- 'a (sorta) different survey' June 12, 2008
- time as a self correcting system June 6, 2008
- Kevin Bacon game June 4, 2008
- death by tray survey June 3, 2008
- last time survey May 29, 2008
- sudden ending survey May 29, 2008
- mind blindness May 28, 2008
- our selves May 27, 2008
- the history of me May 23, 2008
- end of the world, 2012 May 22, 2008
- question stuff May 21, 2008
- brain spaz May 20, 2008
- not another teen survey May 19, 2008
- trained sheep killer May 19, 2008
- blue on the brain May 17, 2008
- 828 May 16, 2008
- If I Died Tomorrow survey May 12, 2008
- it's your tomorrow May 8, 2008
- "Have U Ever" survey May 7, 2008
- Mother's Day May 5, 2008
- more stuff on 'aspie' May 2, 2008
- stimming at work May 2, 2008
- 831 May 1, 2008
- the 'ghost' is back April 30, 2008
- don't tell me I'm broken April 30, 2008
- A Long Dusty Road April 29, 2008
- 40 Things Survey April 28, 2008
- Synesthesia April 26, 2008
- 50 Things About Me April 25, 2008
- about the featured question on charity April 24, 2008
- Licensed to Borrow April 22, 2008
- Blue Rose April 22, 2008
- Self Awareness April 21, 2008
- Double Click on Yes... April 17, 2008
- Totally Mindless Survey April 16, 2008
- Me and Willy Wonka, or, How I Learned I'm Aspie April 15, 2008
- Boredom Survey April 13, 2008
- aspie lovin' April 10, 2008
- autism isn't the end of the world April 9, 2008
- Tolerance in Mental Diversity April 6, 2008
- You May Be an Aspie If... April 4, 2008
- Autism AWARENESS?? April 3, 2008
- being aspie April 3, 2008
- blue horse March 31, 2008
- stars on a blue spectrum March 30, 2008
- 584 March 4, 2008
- Surveypalooza June 16, 2007
- blue moon May 30, 2007
- bluejacky May 24, 2007