
  • Do People Really Know You survey

    Once in awhile I run into a survey that looks like a confession to all kinds of things, via the kinds of questions the survey creator asks. A couple of my favorites are the one who practically admitted to having interracial sex in church on drugs, and another who I'm pretty sure was part of an accidental murder and hiding the body. This one is the saddest one I've ever run across. If this person hasn't lived this in real life, he or she at least knows someone who has. I don't usually run a disclaimer before a survey, but I just wanna say every answer I give on here is a big hug to all the people out there who can probably answer yes to all these questions. I have been there, too. And I'm glad to say I persevered and survived and actually thrive now in a beautiful way of life, so hang in there all y'alls, it doesn't always suck, and we can recreate ourselves into powerful wondrous creatures. "Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter." -Yoda

    Have you ever been yelled at?
    I have baditude and way too much ego. People generally don't bother me much.

    Has a close friend or family member died?
    I love the way really old lady skin feels soft, like rose petals. You can't see me eating chocolate pie while I'm typing. I'm starting meringue experiments. Every time I make a pie this year I'm going to color the meringue differently and try to make cool shapes or patterns. I was struck with the idea a little late into this one. Scott got really excited when he saw that it was yellow.

    Have you ever been to jail for something you never did?
    Ooh, this one is kinda freaking me out. I'd probably normally ignore something like this, but since a couple grandkids are on the way now, it totally got my attention. Is it weird that she assumes she'll never get to talk to the kid? Like a Logan's Run kind of thing, kill people off young or something? Watch with caution, this song super sticks in your head, I've never seen anything so addicting.

    Have you ever been jokes about because of the color of your skin?
    Bradley looks like that last video kind of surprised him. Sorry, needed a brain cleanser. When I was a kid I was ticked off that I didn't have blue skin or pretty fur like a cat. The only time I turn truly white is my first day on a big dose of prednisone, kinda scares people.

     photo facebook_-461850088.jpg

    Have you ever been on drugs and not known why?
    I rewatched the Matrix movies a couple weeks ago, and you know how people get all funked out thinking what if and stuff, but I'll go you one better. How much you wanna bet the soul mate thing you feel with someone is because your body is really next to theirs, but you never know it because you're plugged into a simulation. How do you know this world isn't a big experiment and the whole Matrix story was someone having premonitions about there really being a world outside this one? Did you know some physicists are postulating that what we think is real might really be a holographic projection? I've watched others, like The Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, Harsh Realm- how do we KNOW this world is a big accident? I feel like gaming is just an inside-out version of ourselves. I'm not entirely sure my brain is self contained and autonomous. I have ~always~ felt like I should be able to plug into an outlet like R2D2 and just know stuff, and I think the concept of the existence of magic is an indicator that what we perceive as limitations and rules (physics) doesn't come naturally to our perceptions of how the world should work, which is pretty odd if you insist that we are merely evolved material by happenstance. I need to stop before I plunge headlong into writing a book right here right now. Very exciting ideas in my head.

    Have you ever been scammed by someone you loved?
    Actually, I'm blown away by all the cool people I meet on Twitter, like Diddy Wheldon. It all started with one of my major Bradley days on twitter (I use Bradley James pix to cheer myself up on rough days, some of my tweeps love it) , one thing led to another, and anyone who's been around me even a little while knows I bumble around with my brain in 50 different places (aspie, #4 cracks me up ) and then I discover later how cool it was. So this was awesome and perfectly timed for grandkids being born this summer, because she has a Diddy By Design Shop full of the cutest little clothes, and I was browsing the net that very day for baby showers. Next thing you know I'm gaping over the Gems-Stones-studs Gallery full of sparkly high heels and christening shoes and nail gems...  Pix click back to their shops. The big pic is the christening shoes that arrived in my mail today. heart 


    The first couple of dots in my head connected after Diddy yapped with me a little bit on twitter about Bradley being hot, and I'm like, wait... her real name is Margaret and she's on IMDb ... So I checked her site again and dang if she didn't have WAY better info in her own film credits, so I'm all like Hey, your IMDb page sux, ur site is way better, etc., and she yapped back with me, which was fun and cool. A big game on twitter is to get celebs to follow, kind of like collecting #getglue stickers or something.

    But of course I'm doing 50 things, right? I eventually got around to showing Scott a couple weeks later how prolific her life is, one of those high energy people doing so much stuff like producing music, I'm clicking around and are you KIDDING ME, she does Spiderman art too??? (I tend to notice Spiderman stuff, there is a LOT of other art there.) Among a million other things that Diddy Wheldon does, like her YouTube channel. And she still talks to me on twitter.

    But by far the coolest thing you need to check out is her Serenity Talent agency site (also on Facebook and Myspace) and follow SERENITY TALENT on Twitter plus you can friend her as Margaret Wheldon on facebook. She's got so many ways you can contact her and get hooked up if you are an industry professional looking for work or in between jobs.

    I'm doing all this for fun, because I don't mess around with getting paid to link, but I do have to blame this one on Bradley James, I think. He seems to be my best common denominator with people around the world, and retweeting fan pix cheers me up on rough days, so I tend to do it a lot. So the secret word is "Bradley", and if you're nice to me I just might tweet a link for you.

    Have you ever been betrayed?
    My droid has been auto correcting my tweets behind my back ~after~ I choose the spelling I want, then I respell it when I notice it auto corrected after I chose the spelling I want, choose the spelling *again* I want from a list, and even add the new spelling to the internal dictionary. This recently escalated...

    Have you ever been beat up because you wernt cool enough?
    There's no such thing as not cool enough anymore. Anyone can be an Idiot Subbont-

    Have you ever been brought down by a friend?
    I've upped the ante so much in a Follow Friday poker showdown with this guy on Twitter that I now owe him really super big time, and let's see him top THIS, getting immortalized into a survey, HA! >=D Click that banner to get to his cool site. 

    I personally give him 5 stars for raising his kids RIGHT.

    Have you ever lost a friend because of a crush?
    This was my fave Superbowl commercial this year.

    Have you ever been told you could never do something?
    All my life. And then I did stuff anyway, and I'm glad I did. I didn't used to think like that. I was in my 30's taking a basic chemistry class with a bunch of much younger people, and the teacher asked what I'd been doing up to that point. At the time, I thought I was a loser because I had never stayed in one place long enough to make the kind of money that people always said I was smart enough to make, but as I rattled out a few jobs I'd had, that teacher almost swooned with jealousy and blurted that he wished he'd had the guts to go try other jobs. All he'd ever done was teach chemistry, the same classes, over and over and over, year in and year out. He made more money than me and had a stable job, sure, but that single moment turned my whole perspective around. I really have had a cool life, an interesting life, sometimes pretty scary or ridiculous, but sure as heck anything but boring. They say variety is the spice of life.

    I'm lately noticing that the Wormhole Riders don't have a Lexx category in their drop down menu. I might have to look into that.... you know, being's how I have a Lexx blog.

    If yes to 11, did you ever show them they were wrong?
    Since when were we numbering these??? That made me go back and count.  And whenever something goes wrong, just meme it and get famous. When memes collide... Click the pic to get info on the creators.

    Have you ever not had a roof above your head?
    I mentioned in another post that I slept in a car at one point in my life, for about a month. I didn't mention that I didn't want to sleep on the floor of a house a woman had died in and no one found her until after her cat had also died and decayed so badly that its skin stuck to the bathtub like it had been glued. I know this because I helped scrape it off. But there were people who did sleep in the house... it's in the book. I'll let you know when it's available.

    Have you ever have to not eat because you did not have the money?
    Ok, ok, I'll actually answer this. Yes. One week was so bad that all I had was what was left in a jar of peanuts and half a hot dog bun. Stuff like that is a good motivator and clears the cobwebs out so you can get priorities straight. No, it was a different year from the cat skin thing in the last question. Entirely unrelated, while my fave chefs on the food channels have been Two Fat Ladies, Nadia G, and Chef Anne Burrell, I get the biggest kick out of the Israeli Spice Agent and wish he had his own show.

    Have you ever been forsed into a relationship?
    This was kind of an accident, more like I was showing off when I cross tweeted this Dr. Who fan art over from facebook and made it about a book I'm reading myself which was written by a physicist. Well, guess what. He's on twitter. Click the pic to get to it, and from there you can click to his website and see the cool books he's written.

    You know what, it's getting really late, I'm floating on a pain pill, let's get naughty and deal with this question the right way. Close your eyes if you're sensitive to suggestive material.

    What was the worst mistake of your life?
    I'm refusing to regret my Team Hatter t-shirt, the most expensive t-shirt in my house. I got it from Keychain Productions | LINKS SHOP that supports projects Andrew-Lee Potts is working on. I think the biggest stumper to international fan support either way is probably shipping fees. If I had known shipping on that shirt would triple the total cost I'd never have ordered it. As it is, they sold it only for a very short time, so it's super rare, and I guess that makes up for it. Still going to wear it like all my other t-shirts.

    Who is the person who brought you down the most?
    There's a new book out I'm really wanting to read called The Universe Wide Web: Getting Started by Simon J. Morley, but it can only be read through devices, I can't get hard copy. I'm one of those unfortunate people that gets nasty headaches if I look at illuminated screens too long, thanx to some nerve damage, plus I can't sit in one position very long at all with a  laptop or device. With a book I can roll around my couch and hold my page at a moment's notice, etc, and I'm sad I can't get this book in hard copy because the idea sounds really awesome. If I ever do cave to Kindle or Smashtowers, it'll be because of this book. Click the pic to go to his website.


    Did you ever have to live without seeing one or both of your birth parents?
    This is a couple of other things I got for one of the baby showers. The pix click to where I got them.



    Have you ever been called Fat?
    For being the shortest kid in the second grade and having the smallest feet in my whole extended family, I kind of am. But no one has ever pointed it out for some reason. It's really just a rope... 

    Have you ever been made fun of because of your sexuality?
    People always want to fix asexuals. It's nobody's business what my sexuality is, and I don't need to be fixed.

    What is it really like to be you?
    You could never possibly know how truly evil I am until I lure you into a body swap and go skipping off in your body while you lay twisting in contortions on the floor from shock. >=) heh heh The evil villain I most identify with is Elijah Price in Unbreakable. While others work on solving time travel, I will solve the mystery of soul travel. Ok, I'm not as bad off as 'Mr. Glass', but I totally get that nudge over to the dark side, which is probably why I'm so aware of how important surveys like this really are in the long dark night. This video will spoil the ending for you, so don't watch it.

    And why is it like that?
    In keeping with the theme of these questions, how about an angsty parting vid.

    Ok, I can't end on that, must have some joy!


  • Fun Myspace Survey


    What did you do last night?
    Anyone else see Continuum on Syfy yet? What is up with the who's who of scifi actors in the cast? I mean, could they not get work anywhere else and they ALL wound up on the same show? Or is it an attempt on production's part to keep another new show from being canceled with a super solid cast line up? I think Smoking Man being in it iced the cake.
    What was the first thing you thought about in the morning?
    Xander Bennett keeps going on about Holy Motors being so awesome, and about the time I start wondering why in the world you don't even hear about this stuff in the U.S., he tweets a link to "best speech ever". I love this trailer, it totally hooked me.
    What are you wearing right now?
    It's so tempting to make something up, but I'm not sure anything can beat my noir lace crazy 'paisley' lounge pants. They're super soft, by Liz Claiborne.
    Are you in love with someone?
    My fave Big Bang Theory character is Stuart. You can go vote on the right side of that page. He's kind of got the same rabbit caught in the headlights approach to life assessment that Scott has.
    When was the last time you got drunk?
    There used to be a fansite called the Church of Buscemi, wonder whatever happened to that. Little bit of free association here, I read that question and Trees Lounge popped into my head, my fave Steve Buscemi film.
    Do you think you are a freak?
    I have figured out I'm a MerLexxian. It's all the thing now to smash your fave fandoms up into one description so you can blurb your stuff out faster on twitter and facebook. I might quite possibly be the only Merlexxian in the entire world. If you like the sound of that, you can follow me on twitter and tumblr. In the meantime, have some brain candy. If you've wondered if Colin Morgan and Xenia Seeberg have appeared on the same page ever before in the history of the internet, why yes, yes they have, on my tumblr. I screen grabbed it because stuff on tumblr moves around so fast, I think a couple of hours later these particular configurations were already gone. These thumbnails pop up pretty big when you click them.
    Partying or watching a movie?
    Probably juggling my snack and smart phone while I munch out and check my facebook feed during whatever is on tv, quite unlike the old days when I would check the Dune books out of the library because they were better than the movie. In the future I'll have brain implants and be able to incorporate several streams of media all at once without the fear of dropping crucial tech in the toilet.
    What pisses you off the most?
    About the time the prices went up on a number of goods, the price on my fave brand of toilet paper stayed the same, and I thought that was awesome, till I opened a package and the roll looked weird, and when I replaced the old tube, the new one was shorter in width by a good half inch, and the tube inside the paper was ridiculously bigger on the inside, so not only was there less toilet paper width (1/2" x length of roll), there was less paper wound up around the ridiculously bigger tube to equal the same size as the old roll with a smaller tube, and why in the world didn't they just raise the price on it? I can't imagine the cost involved in resetting all the machinery to make these changes.
    Last thing you questioned yourself on?
    I count on other people to catch my mistakes, like how I could have sworn Terra Nova had a season 2 still going in Australia after it was canceled in the U.S. I really don't mean to get people so excited, but that went on for a little while. They were cool about not throwing rocks at me. If you wanna follow my 'watchdog' list on twitter, go to
    Bars or clubs?
    Last year around this time Scott was stuck on the giant drum (Bongo Bongo) in Zelda's Ocarina of Time. After several days of hearing it go on and on ~and on~ I finally dragged him over to a youtube I found on how to defeat it in 15 seconds. Click the pic below the youttube to go to the official Zelda site. Anyway, THIS year we have a preggo with severe morning sickness throwing up around the place, so we're a little distracted. Kinda miss Link running around the ol' kingdom.
    What is the main ringtone on your phone?
    I found a soft 'windchime' that no one can tell is my phone ringing because I have the sound turned down so low. I miss a lot of calls, but maybe that's the point.
    Where do you want to be at a year from now?
    That's what's plaguing John Carter. I finally saw that movie over the holidays and LOVED. IT. I loved the original A Princess of Mars movie with Traci Lords, too, because I love weird rambling B grade movies based on ancient scifi, but John Carter was awesome. And I really love her hair. I don't normally ooze this much love.
    How many kids would you like to have?
    My first two grandkids will be arriving this summer. I'm having flashbacks of Bartholomew and the Oobleck.
    What is your favorite trait about yourself?
    I'd love to say my rapier wit, but it turns out I don't really have one. I've been faking it all this time. I know! I seduced you under a guise! A pretense! But I'm still sexy, right? hahahahaha
    Anything bothering you right now?
    Not a thing. I can say that with all sincerity at this point in time. The trick is to skip questions like this until it's convenient. And watch fun youtube videos.
    What do you do to relieve stress?
    Any time I stall out I just shoot over to a survey and answer a couple of questions and I'm good to go again. It's like super intense brain sex, especially if you're being really honest. And since I just avoided the last question, it looks like I'm not in the mood for sex right now. That's actually not true, because I'm toying with you and that is even better brain sex.
    Do you like pickles?
    No one has ever invented pickle flavored gum.
    Are you proud of yourself?
    I'm going way too fast in my head to slow down and see how I feel about pride in my accomplishments. Whoosh, there I go. And I've long ago accepted that I'm a dork and make ridiculous blunders and say stupid things and that stopping to think about it is like getting sucked into the La Brea Tar Pits. A fave saying of mine that a passed dearly loved one used to say (which she got from Monty Python) is "How sweet to be an idiot and dip my brain in joy." Live your life, spring forth in joy, and don't worry about what the world thinks. I'm not very good at being a socially interactive human, but I love you for being human, we're all stuck in this together. *kiss*
    Do you wish upon stars?
    Who started that? Way back in the ancient days when people had ~nothing~ to do but look up at the sky at night and talk, I bet this got started because someone got really tired of hearing someone else whining and complaining and said, "Dude, if you wish on that star right there, your wish might come true" yada yada, the gods are up there with the stars yada yada, shut up and let me get some sleep now...
    What is your one possession you never want to lose?
    This is my mobile desktop that I have been doing all my Lexx work in for my nerd blog.
    And this is my mobile unit for this survey blog. As you can see, it can pack up and go out the door with me remarkably easy in a pinch.
    I have a whole stack of spirals with projects going in them. One day you might hold a book I've written in your hands and go Wo, I *know* her...
    Who was the last friend to walk out of your life?
    Does anybody remember Menudo? For this and the next 4 questions, see if you can metaphorically replace 'friend' with Menudo. No special reason, well, there is one, but the contortions I would have to go through explaining this friendship would explode your brain. Easier to just think about Menudo, trust me.
    Do you miss them?
    The fact that the sound is glitchy in one of the headphones in this youtube only adds to the one-sided complexities of a wildly imbalanced and flamboyant interpersonal relationship. The song is totally relevant.
    Would you want them back in your life?
    How can you NOT miss something that fake and colorful and ~fun~? But there's only one way to survive a fandom, and that's to be loyal to the fandom. It's not about our individual proprietary wants and who is going to beat who at their game. You're either a leader or a suck up, I can't be both.
    What is your relationship status?
    The sweet thing about having the smallest feet in the family is that no one ever borrows my shoes. K, where were we? Oh, yeah, I'm avoiding gossip like the plague. Here, have a youtube that fairly accurately describes my relationships with people. This is basically what happens when people try to use me for their own evil schemes without cluing me in first.
    Are you happy with that?
    I have recovered. I'm staying busy. But that was the worst friendship breakup ever, it hurt like suck far worse than anything haters ever did, it took a couple of years to get past, and I'm never going through that again. Just glad to see I'm not the only one who reacts to fandom stuff the way I did. tumblr, Actress Georgia King closes Twitter account after being targeted But coming back now with perspective and a really good personal support system, here's how I play going forward- spaz: haters gonna hate, in reaction to a couple of famous people I follow, nothing to do with the Merlin fandom at all in case you think that's what I'm saying because of that first link, which was only an example. -And we're done here. Moving on.
    Do your parents have myspace accounts?
    My dad thinks everyone in the world automatically has a facebook page. He barely owns enough tech to watch the local news. I've given up trying to explain the internet to him.
    Are the majority of your friends male or female?
    Scott is in the bathroom with the door closed. It's dark. I tap lightly and he flings the door open, full beam from his head lamp right in my eyes blinding me, and yells "WHAT! I'm about to do some delicate work!" Pieces from a light switch lie all over the counter around the sink. He says "I'm testing to see if I'll get shocked." I say "Um, shouldn't you just turn the electric to that fuse off?" He says "It might make the washing machine stop." I say "Priorities, I think I'd rather have the washer stop than you DIE."
    Exchanges like this are common. Surprises like these stopped surprising me a long time ago. I expect one day I'll find him croaked off somewhere from something stupid. People who make the Darwin Awards don't have SO's stopping them. Or maybe they do and they're like Scott, doing stuff without telling anyone first. My fave story is the guy who vacuumed a wasp nest.
    On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like sex?
    How about 75? Sex is awesome, as long as you leave me alone with my own devices. That was just begging for a bad pun. I lately have a mild brain sex fixation with Xander Bennett and I'm trying to hold myself down because I think I obviously need peeling off.
    Would you go back and change any part of your life?
    This youtube convinces me I'm on the right track every single time I see it.
    Do you believe love lasts forever?
    Love does, we don't. We are puny and weak and epic fail left and right. Even with love. I'm glad we have the chance to learn it, although practicing on each other without an instruction book gets a little rough. For this, I have more compassion and forgiveness for other people's lame attempts.
    If you saw someone broken down on the side of the road, would you stop to help?
    I have done that. I got $3000 for my efforts and a nice note calling me an angle. When someone's mom has a brain attack (seriously, aneurysm) and drives 400 miles to another state and sits in the cold rain by the side of the road out of gas too confused to do anything, I might just be the person that notices and stops to check on her and takes her home and puts clean clothes on her and feeds her in front of a space heater while I have a highway patrol person go through her purse and call her relatives because there is no way I'm going to go through someone else's purse like that without a witness after I've taken them home, because I'm terrified someone will try to charge me with kidnapping and theft. This world needs more angles noticing what's going on around them and less texting while we're driving, capiche? And I know I spelled that wrong. That's how it's spelled in the note. Oddly, that's how it's spelled just about every single time someone writes to me in a note that I'm an angle. I think that means I'm one of the extra special ones.
    What do you think of when you hear the word Cheese?
    *running off to get some cheese*
    What color are your bedsheets?
    Whats your favorite word?
    Let me go you one better and show you the funnest twitter interaction I've had all year.

    What does your favorite shirt say about you?
    It says I'm a super cool cult fan and you're not, neener neener. It says I know where to find really cool stuff on the internet and you don't, neener neener. It says you don't know what the heck I'm wearing and you think it's just another strange fixation on a weirdo's torso, but I refuse to change it to something from Old Navy, so suck it. Click the pic to go buy it yourself. Ok, for the uninitiated, that is Wist from season 1 of Lexx, 3rd movie.
    Do you laugh enough?
    I have noticed that every time I super load up two different browsers to the point of having to clear both caches just to be able to save my work and shut down that the next time I boot up my laptop thinks it has to go into a crash dump, and I figured out how to nip that one and avoid it. When you see a crash dump window, QUICK, turn your computer OFF asap, just push that button and KILL it. Wait a minute, then boot back up, you get a question asking if you wanna do something drastic like 'repair', just move the highlight up to 'start windows normally' and click, and everything is back to normal. I've done this 3 times over the last 9 months, nothing bad has ever happened. I laugh with glee. ~Disclaimer- I am not responsible for your computer crashing if you try this at home. I'm just a really lazy person when it comes to dealing with 'reality', and maybe this is all in my head.
    Do you believe that dreams come true?
    MINE do. Don't know about other people's. I create and fulfill my own dreams and destiny. No one else can hand that to me, despite everything they say and believe and promise. Worry about your own life, not my dreams. I think it's time for an awesome piece of King Arthur fan art that's been going around facebook, tumblr, and twitter, no idea who did it.
    Whats one thing you would change about yourself?
    Every time I run across this question I wonder how people can really sit there in a funk dwelling on what is wrong with their beautiful selves instead of plunging headlong into a super cool head world that makes being here seem dull and uninteresting. Can you imagine our pets (I have chickens) sitting around moping about what they hate about themselves? Like, the very thing you love about your pet, maybe that's what it hates about itself, and there is nothing you can do to cheer it up and convince it you really do love it for THAT. I love that we all have our own quirks and looks and points of view. This world would be such a drag if everyone really could change themselves to be what they *think* they want. Everyone would be the same.
    Have you ever read the book "the notebook"?
    I mean, I'm really busy. But I've heard about it. Guys, I just can't sit through that stuff. If you're going to be telling a nursing home story, it had better be Bubba Ho-Tep. Huge Bruce Campbell fan, and I follow him at
    When was the last time you got a phone call?
    Exactly 10 hours and 39 minutes ago. I didn't pick up. I'm real bad to have my ringer muted.
    Where do you work?
    All over my house! And my deck, in my car, anywhere a mobile device goes. I do NOT work in traffic. I've missed being in a few hairy accidents with people who do. STOP THAT! If I think I *have* to text or tweet or write something in my notebook, I whip it into parking lots.
    Who is your favorite football team?
    Not saying these guys are my faves, but I can't help mentioning that the first time I saw the Seattle Seahawks play this year I immediately thought of Dredd for some reason. The futuristic 'we mean business' look is really cool.

    Have you ever bobbed for apples?
    Not sure if it's a plus to say that I'm really good at it...
    Have you ever thought you could do a better job at being president?
    HELL no. Egads. I have a hard enough time walking past Sir Gwaine on my Merlin calendar, I feel like he's judging me or something. Maybe I shouldn't have hung it right by the bathroom. Maybe behind a closet door where I wouldn't be walking by it all the time.
    If you could only drink one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Trick question, guys, always pick water because you can put a teabag or coffee grounds or drink mix in it.
    Whats one food you could eat everyday for the rest of your life?
    Let me make you drool. I cook like this all the time.
    What was your custume for halloween last year?
    Wo, we're getting close to the end. This survey has only taken me only two days this time, and that's with two trips into town that lasted several hours. I think it's safe to say I'm past the trippy holiday depression. I didn't wear a costume, I felt pretty ill that night. I did manage to hand out candy, though, thanx for asking.
    How many cousins do you have?
    I lost count a long time ago. When we were little kids we got piled all over beds and the floors during holiday sleepovers. I think one year there were 15 kids in one room. I was liberally stepped on in the middle of the night, one kid rolled off a bed right on me (get the wind knocked out in your sleep, happy holidays), oh, and throw a cat or two into the mix. I had a cat that liked to sleep on my head, I think her nerves scooted her back out the door that night. And that's only a handful of the cousins. I have cousins across the continent. I'm not very good at keeping in touch. Ok, I suck at it. But there you go.
    Your in line at Taco Bell, whats your order?
    I'm a crunchy taco & 7 layer burrito person. Anyone remember the year Taco Bell was giving away a free taco because someone hit a home run or something? I drove to every Taco Bell I could find and ate really well for free that day. It was awesome. Here, I'll leave you drooling. Click the pic to go to their dotcom.

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I've started transferring my survey posts over to Surveypalooza so people coming in from search engines on mobile devices will be able to see the surveys.


Apologies for the missing vids, another upgrade during the server migration swept through like a scan sweeping through the Enterprise. I'll fix those later, kinda busy...

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my friends

Eric's blog  photo keepingconscious5.jpg

Dawn's blog  photo dawnsnip3.jpg

Vicki's blog  photo tryingnottowobble.jpg

Anonymous Aspie  photo aspieland.jpg

Fae & Friends  photo faeampfriends2.jpg

myke's place  photo syfydesignslogo.jpg

Nerd Movie  photo nerdmovie.jpg

Front and Center Productions  photo frontandcenterlogo.jpg

Kirill Yarovoy  photo revivalcomingsoon.jpg

Little Lexx forum  photo lexxboredbutton.jpg

Lexxzone on Tumblr  photo lexxzonelogo.jpg

November 2016
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