Do you like menthol cigarettes? Those are no substitute for toothpaste. And no, when I did smoke heavily (Camel Lights, for trivia enthusiasts) and ran out one day, I bummed a menthol off someone and like to died. Those so suck. But that was around 25 years ago. I stopped smoking after I worked for a 40 year old chain smoker who looked 60. I'm 50 now and look 40. If that's not incentive to quit, I don't know what is. If you're still too young to take that seriously, I was in my mid-20's when I quit. You don't get your young skin back, no matter what smokers believe about their lungs miraculously healing the second you stop smoking, and that's why they put off quitting till later. | |
Do you ever fall for spam mail? My dad still falls for spam phone calls, you know, the kind where you get an automated message that says call this 900 number, so he does, because he wants *answers*, he wants to know who is bugging him all day long with these calls, he wants to talk to a real person. We've gone in circles getting him onto a no call list and instructing him NOT TO CALL ANYONE BACK that he doesn't know (especially explaining how you get charged extra for calling 900 numbers), and seriously, whoever came up with the idea to scam old people like that is a genius, because it sure does work. And how about this one? Elderly St. Louis widow racks up $14,000 in magazine subscriptions | | |
Ever used an online dating site? I would have to explain how violent I get without warning because I'm super ticklish... I'm sure I'd wind up in jail, because what guy wouldn't see that as a challenge? Thankfully, a mutual friend hooked me up with Scott, I accepted that as a good decision because I suck at that kind of stuff, and next year will be our 20th. I can't even imagine trusting a dating site. What if I actually got someone romantic and gooey? What would I do??? I couldn't be cool on a date if I tried. The first time Scott and I went out I accidentally (as opposed to on purpose...) flipped a steak knife through the air and just missed an old lady at the next table, and the knife was actually sticking up out of the floor. I can't see that being a plus as a description for online dating. They'd have a cautionary disclaimer up on me. Scott wasn't deterred because I had my blouse unbuttoned a little bit further than I normally wear. I guess that really works, huh? That or he thought my knife throwing was sexy. | |
What color do you wear the most? Black. This is kind of surprising for people who know that I love Lisa Frank and Weird Al. | |
Do you only eat cough drops because you like the taste? I finally discovered all the croup was coming from food reactions. When they finally exploded into full blown wheezy allergic reactions and I stopped eating those foods, I was able to stop sucking on cough drops. If you're tired of sucking on cough drops and using inhalers, try a rotation diet and see if that gives you some relief. I couldn't believe what a huge change that was for me. | |
Have you ever gotten a good grade in math class? No one ever asks if I got in trouble in home ec. Which I did. A lot. | |
Do you have a tumblr account? Tumblr is like a bomb going off in the fan world, it's like board surfing a runaway freight train down a steep mountain pass. It's ~fun~. Yeah, I know, I've whined about tumblr in the past... I still do. My nvidia card goes beserk and blacks out sometimes when I load tumblr. Nothing else I do ever causes that. The Geek Squad told me my laptop is fine. Bad tumblr! But it's still ~fun~. | |
Have you ever seen a ghost? It's really super creepy walking by a doorway in an empty church you're cleaning and seeing the back of someone's head over an office chair, and then when you turn back to talk to them, there is no one there. | |
Insomniac? The worst one you ~ever~ met. And meds give me nightmares that make horror films look like Care Bears. I'd rather just not sleep. | |
What do you think of the last person you texted? She's one of my top 5 fave people in the whole world. My list only goes up to 5. Everyone else is not on any kind of list. | |
Have your parents ever walked in on you having sex? I feel I must issue a cautionary warning in case some of you who know me might feel a little stunned that I'd actually say this. I grew up with spontaneous orgasms and neuro stim compulsions, I think just about everyone caught me having sex of some kind until I hit the 3rd grade and figured out the whole privacy thing. (Kindergarten and first grade were nightmares.) Whoever just fell outa your chair, it's a brain thing, I have asperger's and weird stuff going on with my nervous system core, I'm not a nymph, and in fact quite asexual toward other people. I know, it's weird, get used to it, and don't bug me about it. I won't be answering any messages that come through full of questions about this one. | |
Have you ever lied about being a virgin? True story. I was actually a virgin months after I got married because my first husband turned out to be a pedophile and wasn't doing it right, and I didn't know the difference. My first gyno doc pulled him aside and asked him if he knew what he was doing... | |
Are Australian accents attractive? Any kind of accent is cool. | |
Do you like getting stoned? I absolutely hate it. My brain claws its way out of my skull in full blown panic attacks any time I've been given *anything* to calm me down, legal or not. The adverse reactions I have are akin to hysteria. I'm more fun with a teeny tiny buzz, you know, like half an aspirin and a cup of milked down coffee. | |
Have you ever gotten a bloody nose from snorting cocaine? I got a bean caught in my nose when I was little. | |
Have you ever smoked cocaine? Not to my knowledge, and they all swear it was only a joint, so basically I was high as a kite for 12 hours off of two puffs. If everyone's heads were as twisted as mine gets on meds and drugs, you'd all be wary of ever doing more. I can only imagine that an acid trip would prolly have been like turning the Joker loose on Gotham City, good thing I never tried it. | |
Do you own a full set of colored pencils? I have, and pens, and crayons, and paints, and embroidery threads, and confectionary decorations, and colored papers, and footies.... I am wildly attracted to color palettes, color studies, colors. That's probably where all my sex drive got shunted over to in my synesthesia, colors and patterns and textures. | |
Who's the most attractive female you've ever seen? I really like S.E. Cupp. It's probably her glasses. They're like power frames. I watch Real News on the Blaze just to watch her talk. | |
Have you ever seriously questioned your sexuality? I've always known exactly who I am. What I have seriously questioned are people who don't have a clue who they are and still try to tell me who I am. | |
Red, white, yellow, or pink roses? I grew up with yellow roses in the yard, so I love seeing yellow roses. But I love roses regardless, and I like champagne roses in a bouquet. What's really super cool is yellow and orange frosting roses on a chocolate autumn decorated cake. I could really run away with this question. My birthday is next week, how much you wanna bet I make a chocolate cake now with orange and red and yellow autumn decorations. | |
What's the worst name your mom has ever called you? It's so mean and stupid that I'm not ever going to repeat it. And it's not at all anything you could possibly think it might be. | |
Do you think someone would ever want to marry you? I couldn't believe Scott wanted to, but here we still are. | |
Do you know who Jim Morrison is? The word 'hedonist' popped into my head as soon as I read that. Ethical hedonism is kind of the thing now, wonder how Jim would have done with the emo crowd. Prolly about the same. I can see him becoming a Cthulhu activist (like Conceptual Coma Activism, as it were, perhaps...?) (My free associating is kicking in, I must be getting tired enough to try sleeping.) | |
Have you ever done acid? No one wants me to ever do acid. I'm sure I'd wind up in prison. | |
Were you at a rave? I get migraines, I can't do the whole light strobing psychelectro music thing without having to kill someone. | |
Can you usually tell when someone's lying? I assume everyone is. | |
Have you ever made a mistake just so you could feel miserable? Recrimination is not my strong point. I suck at baiting myself psychologically. People who feed off their own emotions like a drug mystify me. I'm terribly Vulcan in that regard. | |
Do you like Thanksgiving? I love it when I get to stay in my pajamas and watch the parade and drink hot chocolate while everyone else is in a different house chaotically bumping out a gigantic dinner, and then I get to eat stuffed cornish hens and watch something cool from all the nerdy programming that comes on during holidays while other people in another house do a mountain of dishes and drag out a Christmas tree, and then I snack my way through evening football while other people hang around in a different house planning their chaotic Black Friday shopping frenzies. I've tried being more interactive, honestly I have, but I can't help dreading Thanksgiving because I go into aspie overload. | |
How about Christmas? I've been so sharply disillusioned that I simple can't reconcile the driving madness of consumer spending with the 'reason for the season'. My fave ever Christmas movie is A Very Sunny Christmas. To be fair, though, I was the Christmas kid growing up, and I worked in Kringles Christmas Store one year. I can't believe they don't have the train shop listed, #4 on the map. I started out in there. | |
Do you believe in soul mates? I ran into a quote somewhere about how interesting it is that most people find their "soul mates" within so many short miles of their homes. I don't have a soul mate. I've never yet run into anyone who clicks with me like that. Cosmic irony would dictate that most of us either have generic 'soul mate' slots, or that our one, true soul mate is on the other side of the planet and born 60 years too early or too late. You know, the next time someone asks me what my religion is, I think I'll say "Cosmic Irony", because that seems to answer to just about everything I go through in this life. The faith required is skepticism. I'm really good at that. If I do have a soul mate, that person is in another galaxy about eight and a half billion years before or after my time. | |
Do you post pictures where you look good but your friends look bad? I guess the first mistake is thinking I have friends, and the second is thinking I give a crap how I look. | |
Are you friends with any of your exes? I guess the first mistake is thinking my exes are normal sane people, and the second is thinking that I don't wish they were dead. | |
Have you ever thought you were drowning? I nearly did once, and it's not like you think. Arguing with a little brat to let me put my hand on his float device out in 30 feet of lake water before I could pass out was priceless. It was more like he pissily pulled me back to shore so he could go tell his parents on me while I lay on the rocks and broken glass in spasms trying to breathe. Took awhile before I could get up. I owe that kid my life. | |
What's the most embarrassing artist you have on your ipod? I have yet to get an ipod. I can't imagine putting someone I think is embarrassing into my music collection. It would surely contain, however, everything Weird Al Yankovic has ever put out. | |
Would you ever wait for someone for more than ten years? My sister did that. She has two kids now, and they're really cute and super smart. I'd call that worth it. I made Scott wait 3 years to marry me so I'd know he'd really stick around. | |
Do you know someone in the army? Several people, and a few in the Marines. I'm not really supposed to tell you if they've been in black ops. | |
Do gay people make you uncomfortable? The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is when people (of any orientation) think it's their business to get all up in my business. | |
Do straight people make you uncomfortable? True story. I divorced a pedophile, so I was a single mom with his kid. I went to a ladies bible class and those gabbers sat around discussing whether or not it was 'legal' for me to remarry (I was sitting *right there*), as if nothing I'd been through carried any weighty importance in the matter. ANY person who does KIDS is CHEATING on their spouse. Get it? Could that be any more stupid than debating it if I'd divorced a rapist? To even reduce these things to whether or not it's 'adultery' by definition and then discuss them like I'm the one who'd better be careful about getting the scarlet letter is the stupidest most nidiotically calloused thing I've ever been through in a church setting. I never went back to that ladies bible class. I don't think God invented humans to be tiny minded. | |
Do you ever wear colored eye liner? I'm so allergic that my eyes actually lean out over my lids and power hose it all off 20 minutes after I've applied it. My only recourse is to tattoo makeup on, but after a nasty bout of Bell's Palsy, I'm SO glad I never did that. There's nothing stupider than half your face not matching the other half in permanent makeup. Fortunately it's mostly all healed, but that would have been 4 months of mortifying hell, wouldn't it? | |
Target or Walmart? Target carries Caribou coffee. Walmart carries everything else. | |
Have you ever used crest white strips? Did they work? |