the stupid vs. the catatonic
In the November 2008 issue of Hallmark Magazine is a story by Ann Bauer titled "My Other Son". It's a fairly directionless trip down memory lane as a divorced parent with 3 kids, one of them autistic. What struck me hardest about the story was how briefly she was able to mention that her autistic son was not only misdiagnosed, but mistreated for schizophrenia to the point of catatonia and 'rescued' from his catatonic state with electroshock therapy. But the story was not about him. Was it? I sure couldn't tell. I think it was about the other son, who apparently 'got it' about his brother when no one else did (which wasn't very well brought to light in the story), begging to be with him and help ~as a person~ when everything else kept getting in the way. Like drugs. Institutionalization. Electroshock therapy.There but for the grace of God go I. I read stories like that and just cringe at all the stuff I've gone through that *I* thought was bad, but some go through so much worse.I'll tell ya, parents who feel the need to pursue 'fixing' autism to the point of a child's utter misery for many years is one of the saddest things I've heard of since medieval torture devices used in the judicial system.The saddest part of that story, to me, was that the autistic child didn't get as much remorse or sympathy as the other child who had to deal with growing up without a father and having an autistic brother. And a mom who seemed to handle her problems by crying over several glasses of wine with a friend. (The story was so vague, it just begs for generalization like this.) I'm sorry, but that didn't invoke any sympathy in my mind for anyone but the autistic kid. Good lord, can you *imagine* someone forcing you to take drugs to the point of being catatonic and having to go through electroshock therapy over it??????? And I am guessing I'm supposed to feel sorry for the mom or something, I don't know. What was her motivation for writing this? To get autistic kids out of institutions? I think that point was completely lost in the attempt to play up the brother who cared, but that line of thought itself was so interrupted that I had a hard time with trying to figure out the other random things being brought up and discarded.This really has to stop. I guess I was fortunate that my mother only tried to 'fix' me herself, to the point of such severe abuse that I was poisoned nearly to death at the age of 14 by her own hand. She was removing 'toxins' from my body with something so restricted that you can't even find it in health food stores. I went through continual 'fixing' throughout my entire childhood, and the only way I survived was learning to lie and not obey. Why? Because I was different. Not because I was the smartest kid in class or because I was a hard worker at chore time or because I had anything physically wrong with me. It was because I DIDN'T SMILE, and I DIDN'T HAVE FRIENDS, and I have weird habits and strange thoughts about God and couldn't help stimming and embarrassing my mother to the point of teachers begging her to take me to psychiatrists.By the way, if you are a parent of an autistic child and are still freaking out about autism being caused by immunizations, would you PLEASE read these articles. There is proof out there that autism is global, it's a natural brain phenomenon, and it's NOT necessarily caused by agents from outside the body after the child is born. I find this stuff because I am Mennonite, I didn't have the immunizations, and I was born like this.And when you're done with that, see if you can comprehend this poem fromTHE STUPID
Cindy Earnshawwhen they first
notice me in the world
or perhaps
I have already been
too smart
all hope for me
no point of possibility
with them
the truth will
forever sound of lying
from my
they will steer towards where
I have somehow always
and I
will search
and search again to know
their algebraic paths
my massive mind
monstrously mocking brilliant me
mock me too
standing there ahead
of them
and groping back behind
all the while
there in
the stupid.© Cindy Earnshaw
If you didn't get that, we aspies feel like we are drowning in the stupidity of others. I would compare it to being locked away in a sort of mental concentration camp, with virtual razor wire and guns all around me, constantly judging that I am different. Would I have been better off being stupid? Being one of the people who believed that pressing someone to death under a pallet of stones or stretching them on a rack would make them more likely to be 'honest'? Because it wasn't that long ago, any 'smart' person knew that the lower classes couldn't help being dishonest criminals and witches.
Is there any difference now? Will the hocus pocus around Asperger's ever stop?
I am one of the very lucky ones. I can bridge the gap between two worlds with my words. But does anyone listen?
This will never end until parents learn that it's ok for people to be who they are. Down Syndrome children are understood and accepted, but autistic children need to be 'fixed'. If a Down Syndrome child went through overdrugging to the point of catatonia to the point of institutionalization and electroshock therapy, that story would be an outrage. Why is it ok to openly talk about how easy it is to torture people with autism and Asperger's Syndrome?
I can feel for parents of autistic children. I don't think Ann Bauer is a bad person. But neither was my mother, was she? She was only desperately trying to 'fix' me. She completely missed who I ~am~. And when I got grown up and was able to start trying to have real conversations about real things in life, I was shunned for not believing the world works the way my mother believed it works. There was no hope for love or forgiveness for being *me*. My brain works differently, so there is something 'wrong' with me.
I mourn for those who have been forced to the point of becoming catatonic and going through electroshock therapy in the name of mental health, only because they go deep in themselves for awhile.
My survival mechanism was one of desperation, trying to decipher years of punishment, find the pattern, find the escape route, find peace. There is no peace when people expect continual response, and every response has to be judged and found wanting, and every response feels baited, and every response brings emotional or physical pain of some kind, and there is no response that can buy peace and love and forgiveness.
Sadly, what I just described is not limited to autistic children. Children are abused everywhere because parents are stupid, single minded, blinded by something they believe or hear, fearful that something is wrong, or simply because the parents are mean or have mental illnesses themselves. This isn't just an autism problem, this is a PARENTING problem. This is a SOCIAL NETWORK problem. And when all else fails, ask who is making the MONEY on the problem. Health care, insurance, pharmaceuticals, social services, education- these are all big businesses with big money behind them. Question why the world says your kid ~has~ to be "NORMAL". Question why you are accepting what you are told and jumping through hoops instead of trusting your own instincts.
It's OK to just love your child. Get it?
- 8:17 am
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You May Be an Aspie If...
This list is all my own, from my own experiences. I got the idea from You Might be an Aspie If..., which I found so comforting and funny that I was able to more quickly adjust to enjoy being who I am once I found out I'm a mental aberration.YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE run an entire wash cycle before you remember you forgot to load it-- twice. In a really have used a paycheck for a book marker (like Einstein) and run into it by chance 3 months later when you remembered you were reading that book and decided to finish check a pile of books out from the library, start them all at once, get halfway through, and renew them only because you really believe you're going to finish them, even though half of them are disappointing and the other half aren't addressing your questions after all, particularly if they are about physics or paranormal and astral phenomena. Then you renew them again because you forgot to take them back. Then you really do forget all about them and incur heavy fines....even with all this forgetting, you can remember in great detail several paintings you once saw in the waiting room of a doctor's office when you were six years old, among a number of other useless flashbacks that include the Herkimer the Homely Doll song on Captain Kangaroo (and wonder if the person singing it was Sterling Holloway), the smell of your lunch box in the first grade, and the heartbreaking disappointment of your first Valentine's day in the first grade. AND the Johnny Appleseed song, and the kitchen table in the first house you lived in, and the time you got a needle stuck in your knee when you jumped on the couch when your mom got up from a sewing project to go do something, and...YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE wear the same clothes for 48 hours straight, to bed and back forget you have makeup on and rub your eyes at work and discover it in the bathroom two hours later- *after* you've helped a dozen customers. And it doesn't freak you out. You just go, "Oh, yeah..."...yet, in spite of this seeming lack of interest in your appearance, you obsess about the laundry. Or your shoes being clean. Or your eyebrows not exactly matching.YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE wind up at the doctor's office a day early and are so convinced you've got the day right that they let you in anyway, even though the waiting room is packed and you're not convince a customer at the register that they still owe you $4.38 instead of the other way around, and all the cashiers around you stop what they're doing because even though they can hear the error of your ways, your argument is so convincing they can't help but watch in awe as the customer opens a change purse back up. (This after acing all your college algebra tests in pen.) don't recognize a monthly older couple checking into the hotel where you work even though you can see in the computer that you were the one who checked them in the last 6 forget you took lunch already and try to punch back out an hour later for lunch. (stressful day) get lost in a Super have to leave the Super Walmart before you're done with your list because the noise and lights and people and overwhelming variety are causing enough anxiety to nearly pull your shirt off while you flap your long sleeves together reading labels. (Seriously, Scott caught me nearly pulling my shirt off once as I flapped. Egads, that would have been a treat for a few people, eh? I don't wear long sleeves to town any more.)'re so spaced out leaving a Hallmark store that you run right into the door and stand there wondering why it won't open while you slowly focus back and realize there is a sign saying "Use Other Door" and someone behind you is falling over laughing....yet in spite of ALL of this confusion in public and with the public, you are able to alert an entire hotel full of guests to a tornado warning and supervise them into a hallway and keep them calm while a tornado passes by two miles away, and you help clear a large department store of customers while the fire department investigates smoke and fire alarms and you find out you're the ONLY employee that not only remembered to grab a flashlight and fire extinguisher but also followed all the steps properly....and you even arrive first on the scene of an accident and save someone's life because you remember in detail everything you've ever learned about airway clearance and taking control of someone in a panic....AND you even get a 4-story hospital locked down as a housekeeper at 4 a.m. reporting an extreme error of contagion that a nurse made earlier calling you stat to the ER. (Aspies would make fabulous Star Fleet personnel. We kinda dig protocol and things like OSHA, NEPA, and other technoweenie stuff. Except we might wear our uniforms backward, or for several days in a row. And wind up in the wrong conference room.)YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE find traffic so intimidating that you change lanes two miles ahead of time to be are terrified of merging on have to map your route out in your head ahead of time like an inbuilt Tom-Tom, and having to change your route in the middle of it all means you have to reroute a new map in your have the city memorized in a very two dimensional way, so you don't recognize where you are three dimensionally until you check the map in your've been pulled over for going too slow in a school zone or on a've ever gotten into the wrong car at a store and wondered who left their sweater there or put the dangly thing on the mirror.YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE happen to know more about an obscure bit of trivia on a map or about another country than the college don't 'get' calculus, but the professor tells you that what you're trying to explain, describe, or ask about is two semesters down the get a joke someone tells in another language that you don't speak, but a joke in English stumps can't figure out your fellow classmates to save your life, but you ace your sociology major and anthropology minor....a particular word consumes half your day, and you walk around pronouncing it in various styles and inflexions, ignoring the stares. pink, pink, PINK, pink, *pink*, pink...a professor has to send a lower classman to find you, a grad student, on the first day of classes because you are lost, but when you walk into the room and the professor asks you to explain the scientific model to the class before you even find a seat, you jump on the chance to expound, much to the chagrin of the delight in arguing quantitative sociological analysis with a mathematics professor who doesn't agree with you that sociology is a science....finding flaws and holes in other people's reasoning is *fun*, no matter how unnecessary....a professor asks the students who they idolized growing up, and you say Mr. got extra credit in a Logic class just for mentioning that you own a copy of Heidegger's "Being and Time"'d rather watch the latest series on cosmology and physics on the History channel than anything else on tv.- 9:14 am
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I've started transferring my survey posts over to Surveypalooza so people coming in from search engines on mobile devices will be able to see the surveys.
Apologies for the missing vids, another upgrade during the server migration swept through like a scan sweeping through the Enterprise. I'll fix those later, kinda busy...
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Everything I've got on this blog
- didn't abandon base camp June 4, 2015
- mobile viewing September 2, 2014
- world oddizm day April 2, 2014
- my Shorty Award interview survey March 17, 2014
- Moment of Truth survey January 29, 2014
- The Story Behind Yablo November 2, 2013
- aspie shooting the curl June 5, 2013
- shop till you drop survey May 6, 2013
- Please Don't Bring Merlin Back April 27, 2013
- Do People Really Know You survey April 1, 2013
- the smooshed together survey February 9, 2013
- Fun Myspace Survey January 18, 2013
- New Year Survey- 2013 December 28, 2012
- survey- Can You Spill Your Deep Dark Secrets? December 10, 2012
- My Survey Kicks Your Surveys Butt! {Great Grammar and Spelling} November 22, 2012
- "Dare" Lexx Sex Survey November 18, 2012
- Just a Few Questions for the Bored and Curious - Survey November 10, 2012
- questions people won't ask survey- really? October 31, 2012
- knock yourself out survey from tumblr October 27, 2012
- I Try To Excercise My Demons, But They've Gotten Out Of Shape. -survey October 21, 2012
- Halloween Survey October 4, 2012
- The 'Hard To Answer' Questions - Survey September 14, 2012
- Real Things You Might Not Know About Me September 4, 2012
- 50 Summer Is Ending Survey August 28, 2012
- no idea what to call this stray survey August 21, 2012
- 'not sure why I'm doing this survey' survey August 18, 2012
- 100 Girly Questions Survey August 3, 2012
- Xanga Survey July 26, 2012
- Future Survey July 25, 2012
- Freaking Awesome Survey July 20, 2012
- the Colin Morgan survey July 16, 2012
- 100 fun questions survey July 4, 2012
- 60 questions people don't ask June 24, 2012
- have you ever survey June 19, 2012
- summer survey 2012 June 17, 2012
- simple survey (epic winning!) July 19, 2011
- odd questions survey July 9, 2011
- about me survey July 4, 2011
- human trafficking in our lives June 20, 2011
- Summer Survey from June 13, 2011
- just a bunch of questions survey June 6, 2011
- 3 things survey May 29, 2011
- 'no title' survey May 16, 2011
- You Don't Have To Feel Safe To Feel Unafraid survey May 9, 2011
- "THREE" CHALLENGE survey May 5, 2011
- April survey April 28, 2011
- Finish the Sentence survey April 26, 2011
- seasons survey March 7, 2011
- random things about you survey February 25, 2011
- Things I've learned about life from playing solitaire. September 30, 2009
- Trekkies and Freedom of Expression September 15, 2009
- EMP threat- imminent? September 11, 2009
- 10 layers survey September 9, 2009
- surviving health care August 11, 2009
- a tag survey from facebook August 10, 2009
- yay for survey <3 August 3, 2009
- Crazy About You survey July 27, 2009
- Psychoanalyze Yourself survey July 16, 2009
- A to Z survey July 6, 2009
- Random Things survey June 23, 2009
- "in pain" survey June 21, 2009
- Librax withdrawal, are we having fun yet? June 18, 2009
- old survey from 11-11-07 June 17, 2009
- good vs. evil June 16, 2009
- 'Deep Stuff' survey June 12, 2009
- 775 June 10, 2009
- stupid question survey May 30, 2009
- "Call me Jim" May 21, 2009
- back to new Trek ranting =) May 19, 2009
- regulating health care May 19, 2009
- I'm not FDA approved May 18, 2009
- new Trek rebirth, out with the old franchise May 18, 2009
- major spoiler alert, new Star Trek movie question May 16, 2009
- reset- back to default, or new programming?, or, End of the World, mach IV May 14, 2009
- long forgotten survey (or, Let's Get Spocked) May 12, 2009
- Sikes and the Alien Nation April 21, 2009
- 100 things- (egads...) April 15, 2009
- crayon box survey March 23, 2009
- Smile. You'll feel better. March 19, 2009
- 10 things idiots do on myspace March 11, 2009
- top 8 survey March 3, 2009
- process and being February 24, 2009
- sometimes people say 'ouch' survey February 19, 2009
- what's in a name February 16, 2009
- the commercialization of Saint Val February 13, 2009
- Alex Trusk February 9, 2009
- still another survey January 28, 2009
- from old to new survey January 4, 2009
- another survey December 17, 2008
- crip on the loose November 10, 2008
- end of the world, mach III November 5, 2008
- the Barrow series- John Deakins October 27, 2008
- the stupid vs. the catatonic October 23, 2008
- 425 October 21, 2008
- chickens being October 17, 2008
- Not an ordinary survey. (Excellent Spelling and Grammar)! October 7, 2008
- RHPS character quiz September 30, 2008
- If you got a terminal disease what would you do? September 23, 2008
- old survey with no title September 22, 2008
- of horses and ACT scores September 21, 2008
- 15 things September 21, 2008
- 'here it is' survey September 15, 2008
- the accidental soul traveler August 31, 2008
- color personality quiz August 28, 2008
- Seven Circles survey August 28, 2008
- because I'm falling down August 21, 2008
- Lie, Cheat, Steal, Love survey August 19, 2008
- Treat Me Like An Athlete August 13, 2008
- another survey *heelllp meeee* August 7, 2008
- 'puny' blogs August 6, 2008
- I think men are cool August 4, 2008
- Synchronicity II- Reality Unleashed July 26, 2008
- my life in 63 questions July 24, 2008
- Synchronicity, Suicide, and The Eyes July 23, 2008
- Mark Shell July 16, 2008
- What is your stance on religion? Are you a religious person? July 11, 2008
- 30 Unusual ?'s July 10, 2008
- asocial vs. antisocial July 8, 2008
- 2012 Apocalypse July 6, 2008
- self stim July 1, 2008
- overload June 28, 2008
- quizzical quizology June 27, 2008
- get over it June 23, 2008
- popping out June 21, 2008
- 5 things survey June 19, 2008
- summer boredom survey June 16, 2008
- Dad's day June 15, 2008
- survivalists- end of the world, 2012- mach II June 12, 2008
- 'a (sorta) different survey' June 12, 2008
- time as a self correcting system June 6, 2008
- Kevin Bacon game June 4, 2008
- death by tray survey June 3, 2008
- last time survey May 29, 2008
- sudden ending survey May 29, 2008
- mind blindness May 28, 2008
- our selves May 27, 2008
- the history of me May 23, 2008
- end of the world, 2012 May 22, 2008
- question stuff May 21, 2008
- brain spaz May 20, 2008
- not another teen survey May 19, 2008
- trained sheep killer May 19, 2008
- blue on the brain May 17, 2008
- 828 May 16, 2008
- If I Died Tomorrow survey May 12, 2008
- it's your tomorrow May 8, 2008
- "Have U Ever" survey May 7, 2008
- Mother's Day May 5, 2008
- more stuff on 'aspie' May 2, 2008
- stimming at work May 2, 2008
- 831 May 1, 2008
- the 'ghost' is back April 30, 2008
- don't tell me I'm broken April 30, 2008
- A Long Dusty Road April 29, 2008
- 40 Things Survey April 28, 2008
- Synesthesia April 26, 2008
- 50 Things About Me April 25, 2008
- about the featured question on charity April 24, 2008
- Licensed to Borrow April 22, 2008
- Blue Rose April 22, 2008
- Self Awareness April 21, 2008
- Double Click on Yes... April 17, 2008
- Totally Mindless Survey April 16, 2008
- Me and Willy Wonka, or, How I Learned I'm Aspie April 15, 2008
- Boredom Survey April 13, 2008
- aspie lovin' April 10, 2008
- autism isn't the end of the world April 9, 2008
- Tolerance in Mental Diversity April 6, 2008
- You May Be an Aspie If... April 4, 2008
- Autism AWARENESS?? April 3, 2008
- being aspie April 3, 2008
- blue horse March 31, 2008
- stars on a blue spectrum March 30, 2008
- 584 March 4, 2008
- Surveypalooza June 16, 2007
- blue moon May 30, 2007
- bluejacky May 24, 2007