
  • Just a Few Questions for the Bored and Curious - Survey

    Do you watch Shark Week?
    I can tell this survey already needs a ~song~.
    Who is your e-mail provider? (Yahoo, MSN, etc.)
    You know how you can get on those servers where they host email in @'yourname'.com? I've thought about doing that, but instead of my name I'd make up something bizarre. I also looked into doing the designing your own postage stamp thing, but that gets pretty expensive.
    Who is the funniest person you can think of?
    Scott's a riot, he's like being married to a cartoon, just utterly unique throughout every mood change. I'll tell you something he'd probably not like me sharing. Before he met me, he was looking for a college girl and figured the best way to meet one was to hang out at a laundromat called Duds and Suds. The second he told me that, I busted up laughing and said Yeah, that's where you go to meet duds. He explained to me that 'duds' were your clothing, like a cowboy wears his duds, and then *I* had to explain to ~him~ via illustrated story that 'duds' were dudes without the e's, and he still just ~did not get it~. Bless his heart, his brain is so cute I had to take him home with me. He actually thinks he looks cool in 3D glasses. He was probably the cutest little boy in the world.
    Would you rather date someone too serious or not serious enough?
    Man are you asking the wrong person. Romance gets nuked when I'm around.
    Do you volunteer for charities? If so, which one(s)?
    Almost continually, it seems. Hey, Scott is doing the Turkey Trot again this year while I stay home and watch the Macy's parade. Last year he brought me home a shirt and a foam headpiece with a turkey on it.
    Which animals are the cutest as babies?
    Baby termites look like they're made of glass.
    Would you ever go on a reality TV dating show?
    I'd be the one who would show up late in my lounge wear holding a cookie. Humans are so weird. Half the beings on the planet sprout wings and feel compulsed to swarm when they reach sexual maturity, while humans get off on weeks long frustration over being rejected on tv.
    Do you think people are born gay or it's a choice they make?
    This is the coolest piece of fan editing I have ever seen on youtube, this person is a genius.
    Who is your favourite actor (male or female)?
    I tried really hard to sift that one out awhile back, but wound up with a list and couldn't bear to cross any off, so I guess they all are. Jeff Goldblum never made that list, which kinda surprised me.
    Have you ever been out of the country? If so, where?
    It's so weird to think that just ten miles up in the sky is the same distance as the little town up the highway, but if I went upward that far I'd be dangerously past breathable atmosphere. I feel so vulnerable when I think like that.
    Star Wars or Star Trek or both or neither?
    I think it would be interesting to see Batman and Mr. Spock team up.
    What are your favourite television channels?
    I can't believe Steve isn't all over Sliders *finally* making it into reruns after a whole decade of nonexistence. That show has been maddeningly difficult to procure. We got our first satellite dish because of Sliders when it jumped from FOX to Sci-Fi.
    What do you think of men in capris?
    I was at the farmer's market one summer and was so grossed out by this big guy's feet. I totally get summer comfort, but when you look like you've got leprosy around organic food, I think flip flops should be illegal. I don't think capris even get my attention, yay or nay.
    Do you believe people from other countries are sexier?
    Any time I feel like something I'm doing on the internet is a complete and utter waste of time, I think about the lengthy thesis I found on what is wrong with Bradley James having facial hair (he is outrageously good looking either way, I don't see the problem with it) and continue with what I'm doing.
    How tall are you?
    Not tall enough to change a light bulb above the bathroom vanity, it seems.
    What is your favourite movie made before 1980?
    Wow, how to choose. The 70's were like the spawn years. Honestly, as much as I ~luv~ both Star Trek and Star Wars, I'll go with Logan's Run. I guess I was crushing on British actors like Michael York long before it was cool for Americans to do that. I just have to mention in passing here that the Logan's Run remake is a prime example of why it's stupid to announce too early to rabid fans, what with all the changes they went through, then you have to announce this actor or that director is out. Just surprise us, ok? (Same thing happened to Lexx, stuff like this is so dumb in retrospect- LEXX MOVIE CONFIRMED!!! | Sci Fi SadGeezers)
    Do you keep a journal or blog?
    It's becoming more clear by the week that dividing my blogging up into over ten separate sites was a really good idea. Unlike some people I could name *cough~WilWheaton~cough*, I put something different on every blog so people can have brain sex pushing little buttons and running around. Ok, ok, I know, I pick on him too much, I know. I *like* him. He's awesome. He's the only celeb I follow in every format. I think other celebs could learn a LOT from his fan interaction.
    Do you write poetry?
    If I had a better phone, I'd so have the Shatoetry app already.
    Do/Did you go to high school football games?
    I went to ONE during high school because my dad said they weren't necessary and he thought Christ was coming back.
    How many vowels are in your last name?
    I've met two people who have no vowels at all in their last names. I think it would be cool to go vowelless, like Bnx. But then people would say Binx and Bonx instead of Banx.
    If you had to tattoo someone's name on your body, whose would it be?
    Would I totally be protected through the world economic collapse as we march into a new world order if I had Soros tattooed on me?
    Describe your favourite pair of shoes.
    Kinda like a pricey neon splat, and worth every penny.
    Do you get bit by mosquitoes often?
    I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving and already made a punkin pie. I'm eating a piece right now.
    Are you allergic to any foods?
    Thankfully not punkin pie.
    Are you a Creationist?
    I think God is a game coding specialist. That would explain a *lot*.
    Do you know what the VY Canis Majoris is?
    I'm waiting for the hypernova. I am so pleasantly surprised by this question, thank you, survey creator. You made my night.
    What are some of your favourite things to talk about?
    If anyone is getting the impression that I'm one of those continual broadcasters who talks nonstop because I yap so much on blogs, I'm the opposite out loud. I rarely talk for any length of time to people outside my family, rarely use my phone, and can go two weeks barely talking to anyone but Scott before and after work. On the other hand, I can hold my own pretty well in a debate, even if I'm wrong and I know it and I know everyone else knows it and that everyone else knows I know they know it.
    How fast do you type?
    Really really fast. And then I go back and correct a lot of typos.
    Do you own a digital camera? If so, what kind?
    Does anyone else get mega frustrated at the time hesitation before the actual click, and then the processing time you have to get through before the next shot? It is *dang* hard to catch a chicken holding its foot out and peering at the bottom of it after it has stepped on something pokey. That is about the funniest pose I've ever seen, and my goal in life is to get that shot. Bird time just won't wait for digital. I think my only hope is to be constantly filming 24/7.
    Would you wear leopard print?
    I have actually had dreams of chickens in paisley. My head makes the coolest stuff sometimes.
    Which language would you like to learn?
    Everything Gaelic. My accent would be atrocious. I still mangle French after nearly 3 years of it in college, and Dad got after me again the other day for growing up with Plattdeutsch in the house and I can't speak it. I also grew up surrounded by Spanish and Navajo in school, and I've had several friends from India since I was in the first grade, and it's still all I can do to just handle English most of the time. I very much envy people for whom other languages come easily and/or naturally.
    Who are you closest to in your family?
    T'Pol lets me follow her around the most. She got too much weed caught in her throat here.
    What are you currently wearing?
    OMG. The exact same Homestar Runner shirt I was wearing the last two times I was asked this. I've seriously got to update my wardrobe. I can't believe you guys never catch me on a Buckaroo Banzai day.
    Are you using a laptop or desktop?
    Could a laptop be considered a mobile device? I float back and forth from the kitchen to the livingroom, and sometimes I take it with me to see my psychologist.
    Do you have a Twitter?
    I got all cranky at Charlie Sheen for shutting everything down because fans were getting it for free while sites hosting his stuff (twitter, funny or die) were making money and he wasn't, but then I thought, OH, I did the same thing, didn't I? I mean, without the money issue being involved. I guess that means I'm winning!
    What is something you're very passionate about?
    I guess it's pretty obvious I take surveys a little too seriously...
    Do you believe in love?
    Think about something- if we all wait for love, no one will ever find it. Someone has to believe in love even if they never get love back in order to create love to give out. As long as people are sitting around waiting for love, they are not creating it. Love can't exist if we don't create it. I believe in love strongly enough to walk through the dark without comfort or reward, if that is the only way someone else can learn what it is or get it from someone. I have to believe my existence on this planet is worth all the pain I have had to go through.
    How about magic in a young girl's heart?
    I wanna know, after seeing this question across several surveys, whether you survey creators can name the song and the person singing it.
    What are some phrases you say too often?
    I'm hoping those gunshots I heard were Scott getting his deer already, so we can get back to normal. Sorry about that, um, phrases I say too often... I know I'm pretty irritating when I keep saying World Order has been coming since the 70's and there isn't a president in the world who can stop it so it doesn't matter who wins any more, so I'm trying to shut up about that. See, we can't advance to a United Federation of Planets until earth is a cohesive world that has solved its famine and poverty problems, like in Star Trek. I know that rankles a few people who don't think Americans should be restricted in any way (except gay marriage and that kind of stuff), you know, like property rights and what have you, but honestly, wouldn't you *rather* put up with a few restrictions, oh wait, ok, I know why this is a problem, I'm sitting here on 4 acres of wild woods saying all this while most of you reading this are stuck with apartments and whatnot, but I think the point is that no govt can fix poverty if they can't raze the neighborhoods cleaning them up, wait a second, China and Russia have already done that and it didn't work. Let me get back to you on this one. I'm anti-govt, by the way, but I'm not a crazy Libertarian that wants to secede. I don't think there's any viable way out of our mess, and that the aliens are going to come back and thin out the herds like they did during the Black Plague.
    Would you rather be inside or outside?
    It annoys Scott to no end that the chickens sit backwards on the roost. Sometimes he goes into their house after dark and turns them around so they're not facing the wall. I can only wonder how much that messes with their tiny little minds.
    Cold or hot?
    Scott likes his ice cream melty and slushy. I like mine hard as a rock so I can chew it.
    Do you like the current president?
    I know this is weird and probably hard for some people to believe, but I've never liked any of the presidents for reasons that don't make sense.
    Do you believe people are good at heart?
    I think the potential is there, but some people are just messed up and will always selfishly hurt, maim, and/or kill without remorse, both physically and emotionally. And there will always be people who justify that, even if they themselves could never stomach hurting, maiming, and killing even to do the right thing. I think humans overall are a glob of glands and hormones and don't have a real clue who they are, what they want, and what they're doing on this planet, even though their beliefs in their illusions are strong. That's why I like chickens. All the above is pure instinct and makes sense.
    What book(s) are you currently reading?
    I'm in between library holds. No one ever asks what book(s) I am currently writing.
    Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Sorry, that was my cat.
    Ok, survey creator, we'll let this one go. My chickens don't hop up on the keyboard and help me type.
    Do you have a lucky number?
    I have several, I think, but I'm not sure what some of them are. They are wily and fold themselves through dimensions all around me.
    Do you like swimming in the ocean or a pool?
    I could go for a swim in a cup of coffee about now.
    Would you run around naked for two thousand dollars?
    I knew someone who did that for free and she wound up in jail.
    Do you whiten your teeth?
    I've gotta find another video, this is getting super boring again. Hang on. Ok, here we go, this movie made such a huge impression on me as a little kid that I could sing the theme song for years after just one viewing. There's a scene starting around 1:26 that you'll recognize was used in the Austin Powers movie Goldmember, second video there.
    What web browser are you presently using?
    I toggle between two of them, because 7 windows open in one just isn't enough for me. I once had 12 windows open in one and 4 in another. This is an awesome laptop.
    What is/was your favourite subject in school?
    Not getting caught. I hated everything about school and developed several methods of subterfuge.
    Did you ever want to be a teacher?
    Sort of missed that noble calling. I was told by a staff member in the admin building that I should teach college. Despite taking to college like a duck, I couldn't imagine living through the redundancy of repeating myself every semester. In retrospect, I probably should have gone for it.
    Do you get cold easily?
    I don't know if people who've never gone through thyroid med adjustments can imagine the weird hot/cold swings you can go through. Three weeks ago when it was 80 degrees out I had to wear a sweater and sleep with two blankets. Now it's 60 degrees out and I'm nearly ready to go back to shorts.
    What was the worst sickness you ever had?
    Oh, geez, not this again. Not today.
    Do you talk in your sleep?
    Scott wishes I would sometimes so he would know what the heck is going on.
    Did you wet the bed as a kid? If so, for how long?
    Never have, despite many dreams of peeing that were so real that I could have sworn I should have. I'm often surprised I didn't.
    What is your dad's first name?
    We all want to know Mr. Spock's first name, too, but we're not going to get it.
    Find the nearest picture frame. What's the picture of?
    Scott's gramma at 85 years old. She lived to 102 and has been gone maybe ten years now. Yes, I find it disturbing.
    Do you know how to use HTML and/or CSS?
    I wish more site owners would figure out how to update their broken code since the world has changed again. From HTML Styles- In HTML 4, several tags and attributes were used to style documents. These tags are not supported in newer versions of HTML.
    Likewise, CSS is constantly being updated, too, and etc. If you have to link me to a pdf, at least offer me a free itunes download or something while I'm waiting. My problem with pdf is that the text isn't 'mobile' for cache the same way html is, and as much as I'm loading and toggling at high speed, I just don't have the patience for that. If I have to read through 5 pages just to get to a single line, you're wasting my time. And if I have to go through that, I'd rather be holding hard copy in my hands so I could flip through pages and feel like I'm actually getting somewhere. I feel like we're in a growing pains phase, I have wanted tech implanted in my brain since I was a kid. Hurry up!

  • knock yourself out survey from tumblr

    Knock yourself out:
    • 1: What are you wearing?
    My real sheepskin woolly slippers hand sewn by a guy up the highway. Misty Mountain Sheepskin Co.
    • 2: Ever been in love?
    One of the being-a-nerd requirements is a certain innate puniness. I get warm fuzzies when I see I'm not alone in my afflictions, and I guess a lot of other nerds do, too, because at 14 hours Wil Wheaton had over 500 comments on his post on facebook about being puny. We're here for you, Wil Wheaton. Any puny nerd who can get continual consistent response over simply eating burritos, quaffing homemade brewskies, and racing to get nearly nude middle age beach photos up before the paparazzi can has won the game of thrones. Only 2 people in my life have a clue who you are or what the whole apology thing about pinterest was, but -oh yes- you have won.
    • 3: Ever had a terrible breakup?
    Don't I wish. Every year, ladybugs swarm by the thousands out of the woods and find their way into my house. You never see a horror thriller about a ladybug infestation because it's just so stupid. Spiders and flies actually use a little cunning, calculating their moves, sneaking around, quickly retreating. Ladybugs just suddenly fly up your nose without warning, or dive straight down into your glass of milk, or crawl maddeningly through your clothes and hair, and your hands and fingers slip right over them while their little sticky feet cling like velcro. You don't even feel the tiny little crunches, you just discover the carnage later on the bottom of your sock. Ladybugs have no sense of self preservation, no red flags going off that a move might possibly be a drastically wrong one to make, no decision making skills based on past experience, no avoidance behaviors. They simply just impulsively do stuff for no rhyme or reason without warning. One lit on the edge of my glasses and started walking along the inside, I automatically put my finger up to wipe it off, once disrupted it flitted right over to my eyelid and just started walking around, I had to take my glasses OFF trying to grab hold of its tiny little round body without smashing it to bits in my EYE... I've had to dig them out of my ears, too, which is a special little Disney experience all its own. You almost can't feel them on you at all, they're hard to see, so when you go to the bathroom you have to make sure one hasn't fallen into your underwear before you pull them up, because that's a little treat you really don't want in your life. I find them in the laundry, the fridge, cake batter, my keyboard, my dishwater, randomly scattered on the bed. Eventually they'll all gather in upper corners and light fixtures and dry out to death, collecting dust and crumbling away. Scott likes to be kind to them and scoop them up and carry them outside. Several more follow or ride back in, and he never even sees them. It's ridiculous.
    • 4: How tall are you?
    This gets really dumb when a pulmonologist makes you take off your shoes and practically draws a chalk outline on a wall and then a nurse in another office pronounces him wrong by half an inch because she's holding a stack of stuff in one hand and a pen in the other while she flies through a yearly wellness exam, and suddenly you find that the certifiable 5'4" you've been most of your life gets crossed out and changed to 5'3 1/2" by a dingleberry. Some people have way too much power.
    • 5: How much do you weigh?
    This differs by as much as ten pounds from my scale to a doctor's office to the freight scale at Scott's work on the same day within 2 hours. I'm not sure there really is such a thing as accuracy. I think one of the post offices around here is stiffing me on packages.
    • 6: Any tattoos do you want?
    I'm afraid to even use the peel and stick, too many allergic reactions. And my luck I'd be the one to get someone who couldn't spell properly or see straight. And cosmic irony would dictate that if I were to get one, something about it would get screwed up enough no one would know what it was and I'd have to explain it. And seriously, I'm not sure I could part with that kind of money just to have someone poke my skin up with little needles.
    • 7: Any piercings that you want?
    I'm constantly piercing myself in the kitchen, I can't imagine paying someone to do that on purpose. By the way, I'm not a self cutter because I'm terrified of infection. Cutting up raw meat and slipping some of it neatly into parts of your hand that should never know the rotting DNA of another being and then developing a weird dark patch or streak is NOT cool, especially when you're allergic to most of the antibiotics out there.
    • 8: OTP?
    My reticence comes from being naturally wary of too-easy technology that, while being our friend, also seeks to monitor and steer us.
    • 9: Favorite Show?
    Lately it's Merlin, and I'll tell you why. No blood. After years of butchering and illness and dealing with hard emotional stuff (like an 'escorted' abortion- my psychologist says it was forced) and then going through severe hormone deprivation last spring and wigging out, I am GRATEFUL I can watch a cool tv show that doesn't make a big deal about being realistic with blood and gore. THANK YOU, Merlin creators, for creating a story I can actually get into without having to wade through all my old traumas. If you've been fortunate enough to have never been sprayed liberally with blood from another living being, or be blood soaked up to your shoulders cleaning up or dealing with someone's birth or death or whatever, bless your innocence, and I thank you for not dissing people who just can't take it anymore.
    • 10: Favorite bands?
    I've been stuck on Eiffel 65 again lately.
    • 11: Something you miss?
    I was wondering earlier today if I should maybe crochet another afghan. It's been a really long time since I've done that, and maybe I'd like to make something purply.
    • 12: Favorite song?
    It's also been a long time since I listened to some sultry smoky saxophone music. Kind of in a mood.
    • 13: How old are you?
    I am continually surprised at how much better than my mom I look at this age.
    • 14: Zodiac sign?
    Scorpio, Ox, and anything else that signifies unrepentant stubbornness.
    • 15: Hair Color?
    Still the same bland natural mousy brown, but it's getting longer. Sort of.
    • 16: Favorite Quote?
    Bowler: You oughta run, Tony P.
    Tony P: You can't hurt me, Baby Bowler. 'Cause I'm protected by
    the god of hair care. (demonstrates his flaming hairspray) And it's
    time to send you back to your daddy.
    Bowler: (pulling Carmine out of his bag) You killed my father.
    Tony P: That's right. 'Cause I'm a killer. (Carmine flies out of the
    room on his own, and around behind the other side of the stairs)
    And you're not. Let's face it, kid...You don't have the guts to kill
    Bowler: You're right. I don't have the guts to kill you. Because I'm
    better than you. Yeah, that's right. A lot better. You know, I may
    even find the courage to forgive you someday.
    (Carmine flies around, slamming into Tony P and driving him
    partway through a wall.)
    Bowler: Oh! Carmine, on the other hand, feels differently than I do
    about forgiveness.
    (Carmine rolls into his bag, and Bowler picks it up.)
    Bowler: (into bag) Okay, now I'm going back to graduate school. That
    was the agreement.

    • 17: Favorite singer?
    I always have to come back to Weird Al on this one. Between the food songs and scifi parodies and nuking Christmas and doing everyone from Joan Jett to Lady Gaga, I really don't think anyone else can hold a candle. Here, enjoy one of my fave fun singalongs.
    • 18: Favorite color?
    You can look up your fave color at Color: Meaning, Symbolism and Psychology
    • 19: Loud music or soft?
    I like silence throughout most of my day the last couple of years. I feel like I'm processing or something, after many years of continual noise and work and music and television and radio and stuff.
    • 20: Where do you go when you're sad?
    I have been so deep in my head since I was teeny tiny that I'm not sure I can cope any other way. I have been thrilled to find other people producing things that I thought only existed in my head, so somehow some of us wind up in some of the same places, apparently. I can't help wondering why a significant number of us seem to create visions of other places (planets), other times, other technologies (cities), other biologies and ecologies. It's like we were born to do this, either to remember something we've forgotten during this life or feel compelled to create something that somehow can't really exist, which seems illogical unless it really is possible. I feel like living here in this time and place is an exercise of patience and learning, a sort of pit stop for recharging, or a slam through understanding hard things very quickly, depending on what's happening in our lives. Sadness just doesn't seem like a natural survival tool, so I think there are other reasons it exists for us.
    • 21: How long does it take you to shower?
    All the years I've been avoiding shower questions... I may as well just be honest, can you handle that? Too late, here it comes. I have anxiety attacks in the shower. Sometimes they get so bad it's hard to breathe. I shower as quickly as humanly possible without compromising hygiene and get outa there. I've been having anxiety attacks around water since I was a little bitty kid, prolly because of the Asperger's. I was able to swim for a few years and be ok, and I enjoyed hot baths for a few years, but that's all gone now. There is no joy in getting wet, there's just way too much sensation over too much area all at once, and I can smell when the water's been treated and the difference between city waters and well waters (especially between rainy and drought seasons) when it gets steamy. It doesn't help that I have allergic reactions to soaps and shampoos. On the other hand, I can't stand feeling grimy or gross, so washing my hair and hands and whatever might get a little compulsive sometimes.
    • 22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
    I can be out the door from a dead sleep in 5 minutes flat if I have to, but I'd rather snail around with coffee and my computer and whatever for 3 hours first.
    • 23: Ever been in a physical fight?
    My favorite kind of fight is with a rooster. Those nidiots love it when you egg them on, and they stalk you across the yard and then launch, and all you have to do is swivel a hip and knock them off balance in mid air, and dang if they don't get up and dust off and come back for more, because that was ~fun~.
    • 24: Turn on?
    I have always been stopped dead in my tracks by these kinds of colors. The compulsion to buy whatever is these colors is so strong that I wrestle with myself for several minutes before I can walk away. Could be a shirt, could be something I see in a catalog, could be toys or crayons or stationary. If I were a bower bird, this would be considered an instinct. I wish chickens had feathers in these colors.

    • 25: Turn off?
    Any kind of screaming and yelling, angry shouting, loud boisterousness, mocking, basically the unpleasant end of the scale in human voices.
    • 26: The reason I joined Tumblr?
    Colin Morgan fans. They are delightfully entertaining. I think some of them have gone so far overboard that Colin himself has become a caricature, but it's still cute how joyfully creative they can be. I don't think most of them realize how utterly rabid they look, a weird sort of innocence in consuming Colin as a product, kind of like someone in a fantasy story not realizing they're a werewolf or something. If I were an actor I'd be terrified of fans, but my social anxiety is off the wall anyway.
    • 27: Fears?
    I seriously sometimes wake up very upset that I just remembered I've ditched too many classes to pass a college class, and I'm going to have to retake it next semester, and it takes about ten minutes to remember I haven't been in college for some years, and that I've never actually skipped classes to that extent in real life, and I never really feared college like that. I have no idea where that comes from, but every time it happens I feel very upset. (Metaphor for life kind of thing...? May have to bring this one up with my psychologist.)
    • 28: Last thing that made you cry?
    It's funny how you can get through 20 years of living a certain way and then it hits you one day that you never really had what you wished for, and when you sift it all down to the root of why, you can see every bit of it came from parents who simply didn't have a clue how to just enjoy having and loving children and everything you've done as an adult revolves around trying to please other people while you set yourself aside as less important. That's such an empty hole to notice, and it immediately makes me think of all the ways I must have failed my own children, although they've insisted I'm pretty cool.
    • 29: Last time you cried?
    Some day someone's going to ask me the last time I huzzahed. Those fleeting joyous moments should get a little more credit in our days.
    • 30: Meaning behind your url
    I suspect this means tumblr url. I swear, I had no idea there was another Pinky Guerrero out there, and a semi-famous one at that, and ironically I got her twitter name before she did and she has to use the underscore with her name, and it's just too funny when she forgets to do that and tells everyone to reply to *my* twitter name. I bet she hates me. But she got pinterest before I did, so it all balances out. She's got the dotcom, I've got the xanga blog AND the myspace, oh yeah, AND the fanpop. She's the self purported super woman who does it all, I'm the loser has-been geeky nerd who lurks around under several different names being weird, making Lexx posts and raising chickens and obsessing over surveys, and many other things that I don't feel the need to resume (I verbed the noun resume, hope that didn't confuse you) out to the world on a website. I wish other-Pinky much success and a happy life. I'll pretend that's another me in a parallel world so my own existence will be validated with the feeling of balance in the nature of the cosmic irony that is my life.
    • 31: Last book you read?
    I love the library, it saves me untold tens of thousands of dollars that I'd otherwise compulsively spend in book stores. My reading list this year is about 30 books long so far. The last one I worked on was in the Gears of War series, and I've recently started Book of the Navajo. I've never really kept track of what I read, but when I do start listing, people's eyes tend to glaze over. My latest amazon book purchase was a 10 pound monstrosity called The History of Food. I could be exaggerating about the ten pounds.
    • 32: Last song you listened to?
    The whole Lexx tv show soundtrack. Just seemed like the right thing to plug into the car this week.
    • 33: Last show you watched?
    Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Super fave, big fan, hope it lasts forever. I am especially enamored of Liam McPoyle for some reason. He is one creepy dude.
    • 34: Last person you talked to?
    A complete stranger from a faraway place. I should have hung up *before* it got ugly. I don't like it when it gets ugly. People being paid to get ugly is a cancer on our planet.
    • 35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted?
    Daughter once removed...? She came out of my sister, but it feels like she's sorta mine. My DNA recognizes her and I can't help it, all the rest is built in.
    • 36: Favorite food?
    Every favorite food I've listed in surveys has wound up on my food allergies list in the last couple of years, so now I feel like I'm jinxing myself to even talk about having a favorite food.
    • 37: Place you want to visit?
    I think it would be cool to go see the Mockingbird Lane set, new series coming on NBC. I love that house.
    • 38: Last place you were?
    Isn't it magical how Walmart can transform overnight into new holidays? And isn't it magical how when I'm in there I feel more holiday luv and cheer than anywhere else? I think it's all the bright colors. Warm fuzzies have a lot to do with color, I think. I bet there is a whole marketing science around that. Ok, I know there is because I worked retail for a few years. ~*magical*~
    • 39: Do you have a crush?
    I always have a crush. Person, place, or thing, if I don't have some kind of obsession going, something is very wrong with me. Fortunately for the world at large, my obsessions are like lightning storms coming and going, because if I were to focus on one obsession for ten years straight like some people I know can, I would be either very rich or very mental (possibly both), and either way I'd be the most evil genius about it you ever met. At least this way I'm mostly harmless.
    • 40: Last time you kissed someone?
    Scott has seemed extra huggy and cuddly lately, and it's the middle of bow season and the Vikings lost recently. I'm perplexed. Maybe it's because I made his favorite Halloween cookies or something. Halloween brings out that special feeling, I know.
    • 41: Last time you were insulted and what was it?
    I don't keep track. Being insulted actually means you're worth enough to get someone's attention, and if they're making the time to come at you, then they're pretty much admitting they're jealous and can't get over something and unable go on with their lives. Next time you insult someone else, stand back and watch all the moments tick through your emotions and thoughts and see if I'm not right. If you are very honest with yourself, you will notice that whatever stopped you and caught your attention really has its root inside yourself somewhere somehow.
    • 42: What color underwear are you wearing?
    Dang, you caught me on a white day. How boring I am. I've always been jealous that guys get the underoos kind of thing, and everything cool that girls get is girlied up guy underwear. Since I worked almost 5 years in an intimates department in a big retail chain, I tend to notice this kind of stuff. I am especially jealous that John Barrowman gets to disrobe all the time because his underwear is so cool. Underwear for women that I would totally buy if it were available would include My Little Pony and anything with any kind of starship on it.

    • 43: What color shirt are you wearing?
    I've got to get me some new t-shirts, it's getting really old how many times I've been wearing my ancient red Homestar Runner tee when this question comes up.
    • 44: What color bottoms are you wearing?
    Well, you asked.
    • 45: Wearing any bracelets?
    Only when I leave the house. Someday I'll take a pic of my allergy bracelets.
    • 46: Last sport you played?
    I'm in the middle of pastry chef-ing for a Halloween party, kind of a sport to beat the clock when you get down to crunch time. Yeah, the truth comes out, I run back and forth to my laptop doing a question here or there on surveys as a way to destress. Bet you guys thought I had my lazy butt parked just sitting here, didn't you? I think I've mentioned before that surveys can take me days to fill out, something I didn't make clear in the olden days when I got fussed at for 'wasting time'.
    • 47: Last song you sang?
    I tried to do the Horoscope song with Weird Al.
    • 48: Last prank call you remember doing?
    I really need to remember this angle the next time a snotty stranger gets through on the phone.
    • 49: Last time you hung out with anyone?
    Me and Scott hang out all the time.
    • 50: Favorite movie?
    I tried answering this once. It turned into a list monstrosity that I couldn't stop adding to. I finally just put it into my profile. Every time I feel like deleting it I remember how caught up in it I got, so I leave it there to deter me from getting caught in that again. We may never know what my favoritist movie of all time really is.

  • 50 Summer Is Ending Survey


    The summer is nearly over, so let us wrap it up with an end of Summer 2012 survey- (oh, goody)

    1. Tell me one positive thing that happened this summer?

    Merlin marathon, bought the boxed sets, yay! I *really* like this dragon.

    2. Tell me one major bad thing that happened this summer?
    Despite the list I could go on about, I think we've been really lucky nothing was worse and I don't feel like dwelling on something negative right now.

    3. Did you get engaged this summer?
    I made a commitment to going public again, which was a huge decision for me. My social anxiety goes pretty off the wall sometimes, but dang if I'm going to let that turn me into a crazy chicken lady who sleeps out in the henhouse. There really is a woman within a hundred miles of me who is like that.

    4. Get married?
    I invested in an updated Print Shop Professional. I'm very serious about where this is going.

    5. Break up with anyone?
    Well, I'm not exactly laying low, but I think I need a break from my mother-in-law again, so I'm just steering clear. Nothing terrible, just reached my empathy capacity. I'm not very good at playing dysfunctional codependent head games with emotion vamps.

    6. Get into a fight with a stranger?
    I have no desire to tangle, I'm way too lazy.

    7. Get into a fight with a friend?
    The survey maker is making me look really boring, my life is so lacking in reality show conflict.

    8. Have someone close to you die?
    I saved a rooster's life, but that might have only been temporary. I just don't wanna know *fingers in ears* ~lalalalala~.

    9. Do you know anyone who gave birth this summer?
    This survey maker is being very thorough, I feel like I'm being interrogated by the IRS or something.

    10. Did you have a job this summer?
    *dang* Did I call it? I'm the kind of person that hardly ever asks teenagers questions like these because I know that's all they hear.

    11. Did you graduate this summer?
    My college keeps contacting me wanting fundraising money, and I bet next year they'll push super hard about the reunion I won't attend. This particular alumna isn't into patronizing (pun intended) for some kind of weird glory in the form of a plaque or book with my name listed in it.

    12. How many people have you kissed this summer?
    There are supposed to be studies out about how gaming is so realistic to the brain that it's like reality, one of the biggies coming up is the idea that something experienced in a virtual reality is indistinguishable in the brain, you respond chemically in gaming like you would in real life situations, so I'm wondering if imagining stuff is like that, too. I'm not sure that's completely true or even healthy, since fight or flight response and skills originally help keep the body healthy and intact, but if the brain responds and the body has to deal with chemical changes without being able to normalize with actual activity, I'm kind of wondering if general anxiety is the new norm. Anyway, not in this to argue, I really don't care, I just know I get so wrapped up in anything I see on a screen in any form that I get emotionally invested and have to pause and walk around or even abandon the screen. Where was I going with this, oh yeah, people's brains have been making up virtual reality since the dawn of humans when it comes to imagining sex and kissing and stuff, and honestly, if we create an imaginary situation and have real emotions or chemical responses to it, how is gaming any different? So we live fake lives in our heads and our real lives rarely measure up to how we wish the universe could be, the only difference I see in gaming is that actually being physically interactive in some form (even if only your thumbs move) is much more satisfying than your body not being involved at all, and even more so because you can see that your thought and tiny action actually change a situation around you, no matter how virtual it is, which I think is way more satisfying than just making everything the way you want it in your head and there's no real challenge from an outside source. And unless you can completely dupe or convince your brain that your own thoughts inducing chemical changes are better than real life, we all still have to eat and breathe. I can see where someone locked away in their head could stop eating, but our bodies will generally alert our brains when there is oxygen deprivation going on (unless you're being poisoned by some kind of gas like CO), like if someone held a hand over your face you would come out of whatever virtual reality and start fighting for your real life, so the whole issue of what reality is to the brain is, I think, begging the question. I think our brains know dang well what the differences are, even if *we* don't. Sorry, I got so distracted on this question that I wound up doing a lot of other reading on the side.
    Simulated Reality: Are We Living in the Matrix?
    Virtual Reality - Future
    New ‘Active Gaming’ Doesn’t Change Reality of Couch-Bound Stereotype
    I watch E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) on G4 every year, which is super cool. I think about gaming a LOT. Gaming is what our brains have been doing since birth. Ha, all this from a question about kissing. I think I got off on this tangent because I thought well, the only person I've actually kissed is Scott, but in my head... and is that *real*?

    13. Underage drink this summer?
    I like my milk strained and chilled, so maybe aged at least a day.

    14. Meet anyone new?
    Got to meet a different ER doc today. God help anyone having a food allergy in a restaurant early on a Sunday morning, there's not an open clinic or urgent care in the whole region. Fortunately, I'm getting good at this and just started slugging down the prednisone and benadryl and caught it before the wheezing started, but it's a hard reaction, I'll be doing prednisone for a couple more days. I am never eating breakfast out again. Glass of milk, that's IT.

    15. Got drunk?
    Got pretty wasted on that benadryl, wouldn't mind having my brain back now, please.

    16. Been to a bar?
    I can't imagine that working out, not being the charming socialite sort.

    17. Did you go on vacation anywhere?
    Scott went to Florida and got to go parasailing, and I don't envy that one little bitty bit.

    18. Did you get to go swimming this summer?
    I've been attempting to get extra showers, so I think I've met my being wet quota.

    19. Did you go the the beach at all?
    In my head, I'm in Galveston. I can even hear the gulls.

    20. Something expensive that you bought this summer:
    Bought up a bunch of internet property, felt like playing Monopoly with blogs. I guess my widget is like a hotel.

    21. Latest you stood up?
    a. Awhile ago I stood up and got some cheese because it won't spike my blood sugar while I'm on the prednisone.
    b. I took a stand a couple of weeks ago against rooster killing.
    c. I never stand Scott up. He's a weird dork who makes weird decisions, like parking backward to pick me up at a door, or taking the long way through extra traffic lights when I'm having an anaphylactic reaction, but he's never not by my side through everything that's a real drag in this life.

    22. Threw up this summer?
    I never throw up. I had enough of that and just stopped, years ago. I have a will of steel.

    23. Favorite food this summer?
    I know this is weird, but even through all that heat, the thing I loved most was hot chocolate.

    24. Something you wish did not happen:
    I'm still feeling pretty cranky about thinking I could get away with eating breakfast out and having that food reaction. That was absolutely unnecessary. I get bone pain with prednisone, and I have to take it for two more days. #sux

    25. Something you wish did happen:
    I kinda wish I'd sent some money to Vegas with Twink so she could have brought me back a t-shirt.

    26. Did you see the meteorite shower?
    It's really cool to see those on the Earth channel. Those little polygon light reflections are what the meteors look like from the space cam.

    27. Did you pick wild flowers?
    I'm picking up cute little eggs out of the nests from the new hens.

    28. Did you move?
    I migrate from room to room and deck to deck.

    29. Are you going to be going to college?
    I'm sure I'll drive past it a few times. I'm thinking about going to the records office to see if they can dig up my ACT score. I can't remember if it's 32 or 34. That's been bugging me ever since I wrote of horses and ACT scores.

    30. Did you have a house party this summer at all?
    Waaaay too much house party, all 80 and over. I got worn out way before they did.

    31. Did you see a shark in the water?
    Dolphins followed Scott's boat when he went parasailing. He prolly came close to being seduced by sirens.

    32. Did you go fishing?
    I developed a major food reaction to salmon last spring and have been afraid to eat any kind of fish ever since. I can't tell you how upsetting it is to think I may never be able to eat fish again the rest of my life. I think that upset me more than having to give up lemon pie and guacamole.

    33. Did you go camping?
    Our youngest once swallowed a roly poly on a dare during a camping trip. ~gag~ My idea of camping is someone's pull out couch, haven't done that in almost 3 years. I'm not really that prissy, but I slept on a floor for 6 months when I was 18 and various other tough living situations through a few years, so roughing it outside with bugs and allergies when I could walk back into a house seems a little ridiculous.

    34. Did you read any books?
    Nonstop. I can't help it, I'm really bored with tv.

    35. Best movie of the summer?
    Hunger Games, but only because it scarred me for life with Effie Trinket and all the wannabes that sprang up in her wake.  Click the second one to see the site.

    36. Person you hung out with the most:
    Is it any surprise that it's Scott. He's posing as The Thinker in this one.

    37. Weirdest thing that happened so far:
    Weird stuff never stops happening to me. I'm a magnet for all that is weird in the cosmos. Yeah, I know, you want a story. Be patient.

    38. Scariest thing that happened this summer:
    I found my psychologist on facebook.

    39. Did you learn anything this summer:
    I seem to be learning a tremendous amount about myself. For instance, a few surveys back, I finally checked what color my eyes really are.

    40. Do you have a pool?
    No one ever asks if I live in the woods. You know how you read about the woods in fairy tales, dark and creepy and full of poisoned plants and stuff? Yeah, that.

    41. Did you BBQ at all this summer?
    Got a couple yummy dinners in before that awful heat wave parked itself over us for weeks. We were easily hitting 106 in the shade, daily. For weeks. BBQ didn't even sound good.

    42. Did you actually do the cooking, or did someone else?
    Scott's getting really good at it, so I just step back. He is turning into a foodie despite himself, goes to great lengths to shop for special onions and garlic and wraps them in foil with lots of butter, mmmm. That garlic turns into candy, you can't stop eating clove after clove.

    43. One person you hated the most this summer:
    I think I finally got disgusted and hated everyone over 80 in general for a few days last month, but I'm mostly over it. I'm usually pretty tolerant, but I think too much happened too quickly and my patience maxed out. One of the key variables was how much really old people can talk nonstop, for hours, days... And there were 4 of them. I think the worst part was the hospital cops throwing some totally drunk and wasted belligerent people into our waiting room and telling them they couldn't leave, and we'd already been there for several very long hours full of me getting stuck with the yappiest old person in the first place, and I'm not sorry, I bailed. I'm done with that crap. I don't know what it is about passing 80 that makes someone believe you really want to listen to them flap on and on while you shrivel up and your brain kamikazes out through your nostrils, but if I ever reach 80, I hope my brain doesn't feel compelled to spew every thought I ever had in my entire life while younger people think about poking forks into their eyeballs for distraction. I seriously did not know the compulsion to talk that much could really exist. HOURS. DAYS. NO COMMERCIAL BREAKS. And if I forgot to smile and nod, one of them would actually hit my arm for a response, another would make a big deal out of mocking me for not looking up and smiling until I actually did before he'd go on with his talking, another filled my worn out silence with continual noises of disgust every few seconds (for HOURS, I can't even imagine keeping up that amount of energy), and another argued with me every which way because arguing is ~fun~. Hmm. Sounds like I'm not really mostly over it... Actually, it reminded me a LOT of being in middle school.

    44. Did you have a yard sale?
    omg, someone save me from the survey maker, maybe it's an old person!!!!!!! That would sure explain all the interrogative kinds of questions.

    45. Did you go to any yard sales?
    I'm not even explaining this one. I just avoid them like the plague.

    46. Did you go to a carnival?
    I watched a couple of shows about the world's biggest roller coasters.

    47. Are you a summer person?
    I don't think even summer people were summer people this year.

    48. Worst thing about the summer?
    Bugs. Scott's sudden bizarre horrible autoimmune vasculitis reaction.

    49. Best thing about it:
    No one died. Several sudden opportunities presented themselves, it's been a little head spinning.

    50. Summer is...(in your own words, describe it)
    You're kidding, right?

 photo surveybuttonsm.jpg

I've started transferring my survey posts over to Surveypalooza so people coming in from search engines on mobile devices will be able to see the surveys.


Apologies for the missing vids, another upgrade during the server migration swept through like a scan sweeping through the Enterprise. I'll fix those later, kinda busy...

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