Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad? Stuff like this really helps me get through rough days. Youtube fandoms rock. What is your blood-type? I wonder that myself. All these years of blood work and I have no idea. | | Have you ever faked sick? I have faked being just fine so much that I'm not sure how to act sick correctly. I can whine really well, but I just don't know how to croak off properly, so no one believes me. | | The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? I have a complex rotation system for the eggs, because the hens are machines right now. I have around 5 dozen at all times, and I'm constantly racing to stay ahead of the new ones by clearing out the old ones. | | What type of day are you having? Pretty good, actually. Wore myself out getting a ton of stuff done. | | In your opinion, whats the best way for someone to die? I'm pretty sure that anything I prefer won't be what I get, just because the cosmic irony in my life is like that. I really should have just gone through this survey correcting typos like I do all the rest and take that stupid bit out of the title. | | How do you handle stress? By dumping words all over survey creators. Seriously, I'm taking this one's grammar and spelling personally for some reason. | | Anything good happening tomorrow? Do you like clowns? I've never understood the attraction to clowns. | | Has anyone ever under-estimated your intelligence? I like it when they do. It gives me incentive to plot demises. | | Has anyone ever borrowed something from you and never returned it? Worse than that, Scott is always putting things away for me and then forgetting where he puts them. His logic is vastly different from mine. We're going to have to work something out about the insurance, although going on a massive easter egg hunt in the event he croaks off might distract me from my sadness. | | Do you twitch when your falling asleep? Scott twitches, kicks, mimics walking, flips upside down, so many things in his sleep that I've slept on the couch for years, which also solves how often I'd be waking him up with my insomnia. | | In winter, would you rather wear jackets or hoodies? Scott wants to know how cold of a winter it is. He takes survey questions very seriously. | | If you could pack up and leave your life now to move away, would you? Oh, we SAY so, but it never happens. I'll believe it when I see it. | | Do you have an innie or an outtie bellybutton? It's a way innie. Was kinda funny getting to see the inside of it when I was pregnant, always wondered about that. | | Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? Scott says he's a folder. If I ever have money to blow, I want to special order cool toilet paper. | | Do you have a good relationship with your family? I own them when I make pie. >=) | | Can you crack your neck? The chiropractor told me this morning this is the worst he's seen my neck all fall. I recently stepped up my workout at the fitness center, so I guess I overworked. | | Have you ever been dared to do something you totally regretted? I posed this one to Scott and now he's stuck in the past. I'm relieved I didn't immediately pop up in his list. | | Have you ever blocked someone on MySpace before? | | Do you feel you have a purpose or calling in life? Any time I feel guilty about using a paper towel or running water, I remember the opulence I see on A-List Listings and keep doing what I'm doing. | | Is your room painted or wallpapered? I've had cool ideas through the years, like different rooms in my house being decorated like Chinese and Mexican restaurants, but Scott sticks to plain painted walls. I've since decided I'm a minimalist, like a Vulcan, so it works. | | Do you lick your lollipops or suck them? Scott's headed out the door to the Turkey Trot now. He's hyper camera aware, no matter what he's doing or how subtle you are, he automatically snaps into THIS pose just before the click nearly every single time. Every time he gets excited about entering a contest to win a spot for an extra on a scifi show, I remind him that he can't NOT snap into this pose. We've been working on this for years. |
Has someone checked you out in a grocery store before? Security watched me one day in Walmart because I was loading up on flash drives. Even got a guy in a suit coming over to yap with me. I guess it's not cool to make big tech purchases before 8 a.m., or maybe they were bored. It could have been because I was such a knockout, but, no. | | What is the best kind of pizza in your opinion? It's a really close toss up between Pizza Hut and Papa John’s. Great, it's 6 a.m. and I'm already craving pizza.  List three of your fears: Big spiders, dying naked, and being medicated against my will. | | Is there something that someone has done to you that you cannot forgive? I tried to be the brave one and take all the responsibility for what happened, but my psychologist pointed out I was coerced and really didn't have a choice, and that no decent human should have ever put me through that. I guess that's what the whole breakdown was about last spring. Sooner or later you just have to deal with the shock and the sadness. | | Have you ever felt stupid after saying something? I say something at least once a day that is face palm worthy. I rarely feel stupid. First of all, everyone else does it, too, and second of all, I'm way too busy to stop and cringe in despair over how I might look to someone else. |
Who was the last person to make you smile? A little tiny person waved to me. | | What color is your underwear? If I had my druthers, Jockey Classics for Women would have a wide range of collector prints, from china patterns to scifi to cartoons to beach scenes. | | Do you believe people who live in trailer parks are trash? I have lived in a trailer park. I have lived in worse than a trailer park. I've slept on floors and in a car. I have lived in a really nice house now for the last nearly 20 years. What makes a person trash is how they behave and treat other people. There is plenty of trash living on my nice street full of pretty houses. | | Have you ever cried so hard that you threw up? I have known people who have done that because they made such a circus out of crying, while other people I have known have suffered true sadness and despair without ever going through that. I have cried so hard I couldn't breathe and my diaphragm spasmed, which was so scary that I had to stop crying. I've never heard anyone else say that. | | Look to your right, what is the first thing that catches your eye? Scott is vacuuming the top of the microwave, bless his heart. He has me trained, I just stay out of the way. (I kinda skip around on these things, for those of you who are going, but- he just left for the Turkey Trot...) | | What color is your tongue? Have you noticed some people have really pointy tongues? Mine can't point like that. | | Do you find body hair sexy? Scott is a fuzzy guy, very huggable. | | Do you have freckles? Why don't humans have stripes? I think that would be cool. | | Do you put on deodorant on every day? Ah, the complexities of having to explain rotating off deodorant on shave days so I won't get a rash. | | When was the last time you yelled/felt like yelling at someone? I don't yell very well. I get cranky at Scott getting underfoot, but the whole yelling thing is too much work. | | What was the last compliment you received? Someone wanted me in a picture with them. | | Is there anyone who wont leave you alone right now that you wish would? I'm kinda liking the song Shadows on the Wind, and I like Shadow of the Wind. Do you think humans were born to have reflections like this? Do any other beings ever have thoughts like these? | | Do you scream at scary parts in a horror flick? I yell at characters who flub up. You should see Scott watching football, he actually leans right and left trying to help them zigzag around the field. It gets a little too interesting when I'm sitting on the floor at his feet getting a shoulder massage and someone fumbles the ball. | | Have you ever felt like life was unfair to you? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. *gasp* Oh, good one. You know what? I absolutely refuse to wallow in that crap. Some people see other people getting good things in life or being born beautiful or rich or whatever and feel galled about it all the time that life is unfair, but I just have to be thankful I'm still here. I have made it through so much unfairness, life has become a very precious thing. I don't have time to waste on poor me-ism. I'm busy doing cool stuff. | | What do you spend most of your time doing? Making life easier and more fun for other people around me. They think I rock. If I can't make it to the party, I bring the party to me. | | Who was the last person in your bed other then yourself? You mean like Scott? I like his smell in the sheets. Sometimes when I'm feeling really rotten and he's still at work, I take a nap in his spot because it's comforting. | | Do you really care what's going on in celebrities lives? I've got to stop living vicariously through Wil Wheaton and get me one of these. | | Have you ever broke a plate/bowl? Anything pyrex or corningware goes into spontaneous shatter events around me without provocation. It got creepy enough one year for me to clean all that stuff out of my house after a measuring cup exploded in my hand and glass coated the whole kitchen like dust, and it went through my robe and pajamas into my skin. I use stoneware and plastic almost exclusively now, and a little metal, but I'm really picky about that, too. And I'm not alone, you can find plenty of stories like this on the internet. It's a wonder tempered glass is still allowed to be so widely marketed for home food preparation. | | Does your house have air conditioning? This kind of question gets big stars for the survey creator, yes, I do, and I realize so many people in the world don't, so that's on my list of things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I saw old cars all around me last summer with their windows down in 106 degree heat, I really feel for people who don't have AC. | | When was the last time you felt like you didn't have a care in the world? This is the first Thanksgiving in about 8 or 9 years I have actually felt excited and happy about, and it's such a nice change. For anyone else dealing with family crises or illness and all the depression and anxiety that brings, big hugs. I love you. I know it sux. I know you cry. This song has been very very good for me this year. What was the last family get together you went to? I went to the sweetest little elope wedding a few days ago, stuff like that is precious and fun and worth getting so lost in the winding roads through the woods and hills that even the Tom-Tom gets confused. It was magical, like stepping into another world.  What is your favorite restaurant? Before I exploded into food allergies shutting all that down, I was really into Ruby Tuesday. Everyone feels guilty now about going out to eat because all I order is milk or coffee, so I started packing my Spiderman lunch box and taking my own stuff to eat. It's surprising how sweet restaurant employees are to me, all I have to do is say "Sorry, I'm allergic" and hold up my cool lunchbox when they ask for my order. | | Has anyone ever drunk called/txted you? The way I fumble around myself with the brain fog and dyslexic fingers, I feel like I'm the one doing it to other people. | | Do you know anyone who has a homosexual parent? I'm sure I do, I'm just not aware of it. And that's how it should be. | | Have you ever moved? If so, how many times? I've moved often enough to dread going through that much work if we ever move again. | | What is your current myspace song? Yes, it's personal. |
What kind of color eyes do you like best? What kind of color eyes... arg. Ok, eyes. Always an eye color question. I'm not picky. However, given that dogs and cats can have yellow and orange eyes and birds can have red eyes, I've often wondered why humans don't have a much bigger color variety with eyes. | | Do you fake and bake or get a tan naturally? I burn faster than anyone I know. | | Do hate it when people are hypocritical? It kinda used to bother me, but wasting time on having feelings about other people's inconsistencies seems inconsistent with my own philosophies and lifestyles. I'd rather be too lazy to care. Except when it comes to survey creators who brag about their grammar and spelling and then slop their way through survey questions as bad or worse than other people. I don't know why this is bothering me so badly this week, I usually just blow it off or correct the typos. | | What was the last website you visited other then myspace? Someone is still myspacing... wow. I keep telling myself I need to go update my myspace and then I walk off and forget it. | | Have you ever tweeze your eyebrows? {Great Grammar and Spelling}, hun, you need a different verb tense. One of the weirdest things someone ever said to me out of the blue for no reason I could ever fathom was that the Egyptians used to tweeze their eyebrows, and I had no idea how to respond back so I never said a word, and the rest of the carpooling that day was so awkward I decided I just couldn't do that any more. If someone wants to say something about how I groom myself, just say it, I don't know how to play head games. I know, that sounds like a really lame thing to end the carpooling on, but this chick had over 20 cats and dogs captive in her trailer and her daughter got some kind of blood poisoning from an infection and I was very tired of hearing about what kind of sex her husband likes and the debates we used to get into over whether her psychology major carried more credence than my sociology major. In my opinion, the mentally skewed are attracted to psychology like flies, and me being on the more autistic side of life turns it all into weird Stephen King-ish stuff in my head. I don't need that kind of weirdness, I have enough of my own. If all it takes is my eyebrows to trigger someone, omg, get on meds or something *wow*. Yeah, the culminating last comment before I blocked that person from my real life. I'm a reactionary, it gets weird, I shut it down. I'm trying to get a better handle on that behavior and deal head on with letting it go, other people can be who they are and it's ok kind of thing. Wow, sorry, this got a little carried away. But like I say, if you do these things properly, it's like a psychological closet cleaning. | | Can you do a backwards london bridges? Do you mean like on the piano? Or like the youtube with the backward London Bridge song that's supposed to sound demonic? Or like actually playing it out like little kids? I'm epic failing at this, but at least I know it's London Bridge Is... I keep making noises of disgust, so Scott butted in, and now he wants to know where this person got their liberal education. I asked Scott if *he* got a liberal education. He said no. I said, And you've got great grammar and spelling, right? (He's terrible.) And he said, No, I just didn't pay attention. What a goob. What type of music could this world live without? There is one piece that comes on the Spa channel around 3 a.m. that is a flute solo called "Imagination" that seems like it lasts for about 8 minutes that is so terribly annoying that I not only wake up, but have to get up and go into the other room till it's over. THAT is 'music' the world could live without. It sounds like a kid got hold of a flute they found laying around on the ground. | | Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? My job is this. Being myself. I have goals, but the main thing is that I keep doing what I'm doing in order to reach those goals. | | What smiley do you use the most on the computer? |
Are any of your pets "overweight"? "No". My chickens get regular exercise and healthy greens and proteins. They lay better when they are trim and happy. | | Do you find it romantic when a guy/girl whispers in your ear? Scott's breath is so steamy that I just feel damp, and I always have to ask him to repeat what he whispers because it's so buzzy, but maybe I'm taking all that too literally, maybe I'm supposed to just go with it and see where it leads. Except he probably isn't whispering in my ear to be romantic to begin with, maybe he thinks he's being covert in a situation calling for synchronized action, or maybe he's telling me a joke or something. Isn't it funny how it all depends on how you see it? Like young people think something is so romantic because every little touch and eyeblink sets them off at that age, and years later the exact same thing is a nuisance. Who can you go to anytime of the day for anything no matter what? Surveys!!!! Yay! Survey creators are always there for me. | | What color is the shirt you're wearing? HA!!!!! You finally caught me wearing a different t-shirt! I'm wearing my Merlin tee today. |
Name three things around you: Pillows, remote, and the wonderful smell of herb roasted chicken. We're having stuffed cornish hens for Thanksgiving. Not doing a huge deal. Veggies and dip, green beans and potatoes cooked together so I don't have to mash anything, cranberry ambrosia, homemade rolls, apples to dip in homemade caramel sauce afterward, punkin pie. 

Do you believe you are a nice person? I try not to be. I'm such a pushover that I'm constantly taking the back seat to other people's priorities, and I'm changing that. I don't want to die bitter, knowhutImean? | | Are you hungry right now? Yes, actually. I woke up at 1:15 and now it's 2:40, and I think that's the problem right there, I need a snack. I'm real bad about forgetting to eat sometimes, and I don't recall having any supper last night. (Ha, this was another one of those skipping around questions. That was in the middle of the night, and now it's almost 9:30 a.m.) | | Has anyone ever bought you a ring? I don't wear rings because I know a couple of people who have lost fingers over rings getting caught on stuff, and I'm just klutzy enough to do the same thing, but I did let Scott buy me a pinky promise ring years ago, and he took me in so I could design it myself. It's a gold rose on a twisted rope band with a pink ruby set into the heart of it. I wear it on a chain along with a matching pinky twisted rope wedding band. Odd bit of trivia, for anyone wondering where the Pinky Guerrero name comes from that I use elsewhere, this is just one of the reasons. I've been a Pinky for a long, long, long time, just never used it publicly till this year. And then discovered there are a hundred Pinky Guerrero's out there. | | Name three of your favorite colors: Royal blue, sky blue, and the third is a toss up between midnight blue and cornflower blue. | | Don't you just hate that morning mouth taste? Scott is still very garlicky from the tortellini he ate last night. I like it, he smells delicious. Since this is the last question, I'll tack on a pic of my turkey trotters. |