June 16, 2007
Welcome!You have reached the "Surveys" navigation page. (Ignore the date up there, this page gets updated constantly.)
~Here you will find all the surveys I've filled out since I started this blog, which are easy to email to yourselves via a link right after each survey in case you'd like to fill them out, too.~ edit-that link might be broken now since the Xanga migration to WordPressThe links in this navigation page are updated in order of appearance, so the newest links are at the bottom. Links will be added as new material shows up in my blog. If at any time you'd like to get back to my regular blog, just click my avatar in the left column. --edit 9-19-13 This index page reached 422 views before the Xanga migration to WordPress at the end of August 2013. I manually added the view counts I captured in archive copies to each of these surveys. Some of them were in protected posting for a few years, so the counts are very low. You can see that the later surveys at the bottom got pretty popular (understatement). This does not reflect additional view counts coming in since the migration to new servers from the beginning of September 2013.Boredom Survey-11140 Things Survey -237"Have U Ever" survey -1095 things survey -3830 Unusual ?'s -2815 things-154top 8 survey-19April survey-20Xanga Survey-70Halloween Survey-1,202"Dare" Lexx Sex Survey-1,058Fun Myspace Survey-2,482
Comments (5)
@Hobo1964 - Thanx. =)
I have Aspburger's, too. It's nice to know someone else out there deals with the same thing.
And your survey answers are awesome.
@XxbutterflyknivesXx - I appreciate you saying that. =) And good luck, I know it sux sometimes. *hug*
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